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Why Is CG dealing with this guy?

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By Craig McDonald

Charles Green urged to explain role of former Craig Whyte associate at Rangers



From DR. This worries me, he must know JP background.


7 Apr 2013 07:39

JIM PARK has reportedly been working as a consultant at the club but it has been claimed no-one at the club knew of his links to former owner Whyte.



Jim Park, in light jacket, with club directors at the Brechin-Rangers game in August

FED-UP Rangers fans yesterday called on owner Charles Green to explain the role of a Craig Whyte associate at Ibrox.


The saga took a twist last week when Whyte, 41, claimed he used Green as a frontman to buy the club after he caused them to go bust.


And the Ibrox hate figure has threatened to sue the Yorkshire businessman for allegedly reneging on the secret deal.


Green, 59, denied the claim, although has admitted he told Whyte what he wanted to hear in order to seize control.


But the scandal has led fans to query the involvement of twice-bankrupt businessman Jim Park, a lifelong pal of Whyteâ??s dad Tom.


The Sunday Mail revealed in August how Whyteâ??s associate joined Green in the directorsâ?? box for a match against Brechin City.


Park has held 74 directorships with firms in Scotland, including debt recovery and call centres â?? nearly all of which have been wound up.


At the time, the club admitted that the 58-year-old was a â??consultantâ? helping to introduce financial backers to Green.


Club sources also said that they had no knowledge of his connection to Whyte.


Fans are now questioning that and Rangers Supportersâ?? Association secretary John Macmillan said yesterday of the link: â??It's rather mystifying.


â??Itâ??s one hell of a job trying to work out what is going in the background â?? and it would be helpful if Charles Green could come out and explain what the position is here.â?


Green painted himself as the saviour of Rangers after Whyteâ??s disastrous tenure saw the club plunged into administration.


But the chief executive now faces a battle to regain the trust of fans after it was revealed he was working with Whyte at the start of his bid to buy Rangers.


Park, of Dumbarton, often travels on business to Monaco, where Whyte has a luxury home.


At the time, a source told us: â??Park has been working as a consultant in the few months since the new regime took over.


â??Heâ??s been talking to the top people and introducing potential investors. The Whyte connection was not known to us until today. It is now.â?


Park told us: â??I havenâ??t got a role yet with Rangers but I have met with the team who own the club.â?


Macmillan added: â??No one wants to see Craig anywhere near Ibrox or getting any shares back â?? but what is happening does raise questions.


â??The one thing absolutely clear is that someone is lying.


â??If Green has to go to court to prove it, so be it â?? but that has to be the last resort.â?


Another fansâ?? chief insisted the timing of new claims by Whyte were motivated by â??vengeanceâ?.


Mark Dingwall, of the Rangersâ?? Supporters Trust, said: â??I would love to see Whyte in a court â?? preferably in the dock for what he has done to Rangers.


â??I think his timing is motivated by the looming date for season ticket renewals and that he is looking to inflict even more damage on the club, purely for vengeance.â?

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Do some these people not read?


It was pretty clear that pre-CVA everyone willing to get Rangers had to talk and deal with Whyte, no matter what. He held all the shares, so what's so difficult to understand here?


I'm talking about Park! Why is CG still dealing with this guy. He was warned off him last year yet he is still there. Anyone who knows Park knows what I'm on about.

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