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Walter on the brink

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WALTER SMITH is seeking showdown talks with Charles Green as he considers his Ibrox future.


Rangers legend Smith is raging that chief Green hid the fact Craig Whyte is still involved at Gers and he is both embarrassed and enraged by Greenâ??s sickening racist remarks in an explosive interview in the Scottish Sun.


Smith wants an urgent meeting where if the truth is not told he will almost certainly QUIT his role as a non-executive director at Gers.


Smith said: â??We need to have board meetings with the rest of the non- executive directors and Charles Green.


â??We will have to wait and see what transpires once we get everyone together.


â??I will speak to him in the manner I generally speak to him, so no doubt Iâ??ll ask him about it.


â??I donâ??t represent the other directors, I represent myself. We have to be given a bit of time to make sure we ask the right questions. Hopefully we get the right answers.â?


Smith insists he knew nothing of the cloak-and-dagger dealings between Green and Whyte.


Angered by the latest revelations to rock Rangers, Smith added: â??You can only do that with the amount of information that is available to you. Like everybody else, that only became apparent to me a week ago.


â??As I said, at the time I was asked to do this, I was not told anything about it.â?


The pressure is now mounting on controversial Green.


He is facing an SFA charge after being served with a notice of complaint yesterday.


Green, in a Scottish Sun interview last Sunday, called Ibrox director Imran Ahmad his â??P**i friendâ??.


Smith said: â??Those comments donâ??t sit well with anyone who has been involved with Rangers over the years. It is one of the aspects we would expect to cover in the meeting with him.â?



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'Showdown talks', 'raging', 'angered', 'urgent meetings' etc. I see absolutely no evidence of any such thing in the quotes attributed to SWS by the Sun - never a paper to be much concerned about accuracy and truth! I would very much welcome SWS asking some searching questions of CG and then, if he considered it necessary to resign his position on the Board, I would be worried. In the meantime, I think I'll disregard the Sun's 'sensationalism'.

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Rangers legend Smith is raging that chief Green hid the fact Craig Whyte is still involved at Gers


Don't recall seeing ANY evidence that this is the case.....the "scandal" at the moment is all surrounding dealings with Whyte last MAY. Not seen anything to clearly indicate that he is "still involved" at the club.

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So let's make an actual article out of this ...


Smith said: â??We need to have board meetings with the rest of the non- executive directors and Charles Green.


â??We will have to wait and see what transpires once we get everyone together.


â??I will speak to him in the manner I generally speak to him, so no doubt Iâ??ll ask him about it.


â??I donâ??t represent the other directors, I represent myself. We have to be given a bit of time to make sure we ask the right questions. Hopefully we get the right answers.â?


Smith added: â??You can only do that with the amount of information that is available to you. Like everybody else, that only became apparent to me a week ago.


â??As I said, at the time I was asked to do this, I was not told anything about it.â?


Green, in a Scottish Sun interview last Sunday, called Ibrox director Imran Ahmad his â??P**i friendâ??.


Smith said: â??Those comments donâ??t sit well with anyone who has been involved with Rangers over the years. It is one of the aspects we would expect to cover in the meeting with him.â?


... and suddenly, there's no urgent and sensationalist stuff anymore.


You would hope that Green's clever enough to avoid the likes of the Scottish Sun or the Daily Record for some time to come. (Then again, his STV interview wasn't helpful either.

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