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Scotland - the birth of the 4th reich ?

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ehhhh, Susan Calman is a lesbian comedian, not a "leading academic" - and , thanks to those SNP nazis, she's the type of human being who will now be able to marry the person they love and enjoy the same legal rights as the rest of us.


Now, if you feel no shame in comparing the most inclusive and democratic party in Scotland to one of the most evil regimes in the history of humanity, that's up to you - but the question you should be asking yourself (quite apart from what it does to your credibility) is, if you're using such vitriolic and extremist language about a left of centre democratic party, what language remains for you to use about the real nazis?


I was right with you until you brought up her being a lesbian, what has that got to do with her being a comedian? You wouldn't say 'straight comedian Sarah Milican'. The SNP legislating on equal marriage is fantastic, but it doesn't mean any one person should agree entirely with their policies because of it.


However, I too have distate for the overuse of the word nazi.


And this:

The conduct and methods employed in the propaganda war on football supporters under the banner of anti-sectarianism would do Joseph Goebbels proud.


is just wrong. D'Artagnan I'm an avid reader of your posts, but this one misses the mark. There are ways to make your point without nazi/Goebbel's comparisons.

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Well Mazza on this occasion we will have to agree to disagree.


Forcing through legislation, against the advice of some very qualified persons, funding a special police unit to administer such policy (which has proven in the courts to be flawed) - in my opinion stinks of a political administration hell bent on persecuting a particular genre of people.


And the testimony of some well respected Bears - not "well kent faces" - confirms this.

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Well Mazza on this occasion we will have to agree to disagree.


Forcing through legislation' date=' against the advice of some very qualified persons, funding a special police unit to administer such policy (which has proven in the courts to be flawed) -[b'] in my opinion stinks of a political administration hell bent on persecuting a particular genre of people.[/b]


And the testimony of some well respected Bears - not "well kent faces" - confirms this.


Then this is what you could have said. Comparing it to the persecution of Jewish people by Nazi's (and essentially the police to he SS) is over cooking it.

I'm not arguing the point of your article, I'm arguing the execution.

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But its more than that BM - the aspect of funding the Police to pursue their own policy as well as attempting to centralise them and thus exert more control and influence suggests its more than just the paragraph you have highlights.


However I must take this opportunity to thank you for pulling up Real Papa over his comments relative to Susan Calman. The irony of a commentary about Nationalists abusing people who disagree with them, in which he appears to demean an individual by reason of her sexuality, seems to be lost on him.

Edited by D'Artagnan
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Ever since that toytown parliament sprung up at Holyrood it has provided the anti-Rangers two bob politicians in Scotland with another means to attack Rangers Football Club and its supporters. Every slightest little incident involving us gets maximum publicity via their stooges in the mhedia but meanwhile over the other side support for outlawed terrorist organisations gets played down or not reported at all. Mulholland QC the solicitor general for Scotland (or whatever he is) goes to their games. Does he find this support acceptable ? I believe we should be told as the late John Junor would have said

Their bigotry towards us is overlooked but anything shown towards them is highly publicised.

And who can forget the incident at Annan Station earlier this season when arriving Rangers supporters were made to queue in single file & give their name and address before going to the game. I wasn't there but it reminded me of Schindlers List in many ways. What next ? Will holyrood insist all Rangers supporters are to have a blue square on their forehead so as to identify them ?

Oh and btw howcome just about everyone in the Scottish legal profession seems to be RC nowadays? and they're well-represented in the media too. Perhaps over-represented? Or am I just paranoid.

If the independence result is YES would the last person leaving the Jacobite republic please put out the lights before it goes bust like the Celtic tiger across the water emperor Salmond used to lavish such praise on.

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I was right with you until you brought up her being a lesbian, what has that got to do with her being a comedian?


Her sexuality has nothing to do with her being a comedian, but it has everything to do with the point I was making; namely that under the real nazis, homosexuals, like Susan Calman were dispossessed, brutalised and murdered in concentration camps. Under the SNP, who d'art would have us believe are cut from the same cloth, homosexuals, like Susan Calman will be given the same human, civil and legal rights as the rest of us, for the first time in British history, and that to compare the nazis to the snp is extremist language of the most offensive and ludicrous kind.


The SNP legislating on equal marriage is fantastic, but it doesn't mean any one person should agree entirely with their policies because of it.


Nor am I saying they should. But one thing they should never do is label democrats nazis, no matter how much they disagree with their policies. Doing so not only renders any valid point you may otherwise have made (and there is an area for legitimate discussion in his core point) but it devalues the terminology so that when they real nazis do appear, you have nothing left to call them.

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However I must take this opportunity to thank you for pulling up Real Papa over his comments relative to Susan Calman. The irony of a commentary about Nationalists abusing people who disagree with them' date=' in which he appears to demean an individual by reason of her sexuality, seems to be lost on him.[/quote']


Utter drivel. Read what I wrote again; to the end of the sentence this time. After doing so, if you still maintain the word lesbian is perjorative or demeaning then you are either willfully misinterpreting what I said or it's an indication of a mindset that sees homosexuality as an aberration to be used as a term of abuse.

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Guest Lloret1972

The Real Papa Bear ...... maybe his/her true allegiance is in the name, but hey!


Putting police harrasment down to;


You don't think that instead of being victims of some sinister police-state 'surveillance', these people who are spoken to by the cops are simply weel kent faces? Neds that the cops have had dealings with before, likely to be up to no good or to know something about people who are up to no good?


Kills any credibility that the poster attempted to establish. An SNP control freak supporter I'd wager.


Goodnight Francis.

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The Real Papa Bear ...... maybe his/her true allegiance is in the name, but hey!


Putting police harrasment down to;




Kills any credibility that the poster attempted to establish. An SNP control freak supporter I'd wager.


Goodnight Francis.


Daminus Deius


You saw right through me and my ******esque attempt to establish credibility.


The game is up, or as we say in Rome, the gameius is upus.


Back to the Vatican it is for me, then. I should have known better than to try to infiltrate such a hive of intelligence - it was only a matter of time til I was rumbled. If it wasn't for you pesky proddies, I would have gotten away with it.


Ad hominem per adua ad astra, amen

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Her sexuality has nothing to do with her being a comedian, but it has everything to do with the point I was making; namely that under the real nazis, homosexuals, like Susan Calman were dispossessed, brutalised and murdered in concentration camps. Under the SNP, who d'art would have us believe are cut from the same cloth, homosexuals, like Susan Calman will be given the same human, civil and legal rights as the rest of us, for the first time in British history, and that to compare the nazis to the snp is extremist language of the most offensive and ludicrous kind.




Nor am I saying they should. But one thing they should never do is label democrats nazis, no matter how much they disagree with their policies. Doing so not only renders any valid point you may otherwise have made (and there is an area for legitimate discussion in his core point) but it devalues the terminology so that when they real nazis do appear, you have nothing left to call them.


Thanks for the clarification

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