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Alex Rae says Gers have gone from class to crass

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THE former Ibrox midfield star says former chief executive Charles Green lacked the decorum the club needed in its leader.




FROM class to crass. Thatâ??s how Alex Rae sums up whatâ??s gone on at Rangers in the last 18 months.


The former Light Blues midfielder grew up supporting the club â?? and came to expect a level of decorum at Ibrox.


But after the disastrous Craig Whyte reign, which was followed by Charles Greenâ??s undignified exit, Rae, like a lot of the Gers support, doesnâ??t know who to trust.


Yesterday chairman Malcolm Murray was the latest big name set to leave Govan as the board launched a bid to remove him.


Rae admits he had no faith in the Green regime from the off and believes the Yorkshireman lacked the class required of a Rangers chief executive.


Now heâ??s just praying that an overhaul of the clubâ??s hierarchy this summer can put their recovery back on course â?? and support Ally McCoist in his bid to lead them back to the top of Scottish football.


Rae, now assistant boss at Blackpool, said: â??From day one I wasnâ??t happy with Green. People will think Iâ??m just saying that now but the people who know me will back that up. Iâ??ve never been happy about him.


â??Some of his stuff was unbecoming of someone in that position. Rangers is a club with class. The hierarchy at Ibrox have a responsibility but he wasnâ??t putting that image out there.


â??I donâ??t think he sold the club properly. He was always looking for sound bites but nothing was being put in place. Iâ??ve been shouting for a year â??whatâ??s going on at Rangers?â??


â??Hopefully everything will eventually come out in the wash because the club need to take steps forward now. The revelations lately have been hard to take for fans. A lot of things need to be put in place at Rangers.â?


Rae is flabbergasted McCoist doesnâ??t have a professional scouting network in place to attract new players to Ibrox. But he insists the Rangers gaffer has been let down by a long line of people who were supposed to have the clubâ??s best interests at heart.


He believes itâ??s vital a structure must be put in place at his former club which will allow it to fulfil its potential again as one of Europeâ??s footballing institutions.


Rae said: â??Ally put a list of players he wanted to Green last summer. But what happened was that Carlos Bocanegra was allowed to leave and David Templeton was brought in on half the money.


â??He sold Ally short. The club need to put an infrastructure in place to give Ally a chance. A proper scouting network and other things to make the club go forward. All the big clubs have a scouting system across the world and this club should have it too.


â??When you have trialists coming to Rangers â?? thatâ??s not right. The transfer targets should already be there.â?


Rae took part in Rangers Legendsâ?? 4-1 victory over Manchester United on Monday that was played in front of 23,000 fans on a Bank Holiday.


He played alongside foreigners like Lorenzo Amoruso, Jorg Albertz, Michael Mols and Brian Laudrup who are still revered by the Ibrox support.


He revealed the former stars are in shock with whatâ??s happened at their old club but says the comparison between them and the current crop provides a perfect example of how far the club have spiralled downwards.


Rae said: â??I donâ??t think anyone can believe whatâ??s happened. The foreign boys know itâ??s a big club when they join but itâ??s only when they get here they start to realise what the place is all about. Youâ??ve got boys like Arthur Numan who ended up staying here for years after he finished playing.


â??I donâ??t think anyone ever foresaw what has happened here in the last couple of years. No disrespect to the current players but when you look at the dressing room of the past and look at it now â?? thatâ??s the reality.â?


No one needs to tell Rae about the loyalty of the Rangersâ?? fans but it was reinforced when so many turned out to see the Legends in action.


He was thrilled to take his place alongside icons like Andy Goram and Richard Gough - and Rae praised the support who have gone through the most turbulent spell in Rangersâ?? history.


He said: â??It was great fun and brilliant to be out there involved with guys I watched as a Rangers fan.


â??The turnout was amazing. The fans came out in numbers and again showed what this club means to people. You canâ??t praise the fans highly enough for the way theyâ??ve stuck by the club.â?



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Rae said: “Ally put a list of players he wanted to Green last summer. But what happened was that Carlos Bocanegra was allowed to leave and David Templeton was brought in on half the money.


“He sold Ally short. The club need to put an infrastructure in place to give Ally a chance. A proper scouting network and other things to make the club go forward. All the big clubs have a scouting system across the world and this club should have it too.


“When you have trialists coming to Rangers – that’s not right. The transfer targets should already be there.”


The silly and the clever from Rae there. Someone should tell him we are no longer an SPL club and no longer have our SPL turnover, on the one hand thinking we could keep spending at this level which is wrong and on the other correctly pointing out our scouting system is a shambles and it is the club and not the manages responsibility to fix that. Which makes me wonder, who brought in Neil Murray? I though he was an Ally appointment.

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