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Death of an institution

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It's the small things that BBC Scotland report that makes me wonder about them...here's one of them.


December 2012. Bad weather. The beeb warn fans travelling to spl games to be wary of the conditions listing every game and what the travelling conditions will be like going to those games. Rangers were playing at Ibrox that weekend and it was predicted MORE fans would be at that game than ALL the spl games put together (that turned out to be the case).


The beeb ignored giving safety advice to the biggest show in the country. That's suspicious.

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I'm probably one of the people D'art was referring too. I've always struggled to accept there is a conspiracy against Rangers or a built in anti-Rangers bias at BBC Scotland and have said so in the past.

What I think there is though is a lack Rangers 'people' at BBC Scotland currently. I don't believe that's a deliberate policy though, I think it's more complicated than that. Rangers aren't 'fashionable' among a section of our society that perhaps we might have expected to be broadly Rangers minded. There is an association in their minds with Rangers which isn't seen as progressive or positive. The recent banning of the Gallant Pioneers by the Gibson Street Gala is a perfect example of this. That 'section' work in places like the BBC. I personally think it is something we need to address but I've been criticised for voicing that opinion in the past.

This requires more time to explain than I've currently got.


Sorry but you shouldn't need biased people to balance other biased people in an organisation that is supposed to be neutral and objective. As for the Galant pioneers, I'd say that's not Rangers been seen as other than positive, that is a dangerously nefarious part of our society who stop at nothing in their strange pursuit of attacking anything to do with our club. There is something badly wrong with those people. Trouble is, the BBC seem to have some of them working for them.

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I'm probably one of the people D'art was referring too. I've always struggled to accept there is a conspiracy against Rangers or a built in anti-Rangers bias at BBC Scotland and have said so in the past.

What I think there is though is a lack Rangers 'people' at BBC Scotland currently. I don't believe that's a deliberate policy though, I think it's more complicated than that. Rangers aren't 'fashionable' among a section of our society that perhaps we might have expected to be broadly Rangers minded. There is an association in their minds with Rangers which isn't seen as progressive or positive. The recent banning of the Gallant Pioneers by the Gibson Street Gala is a perfect example of this. That 'section' work in places like the BBC. I personally think it is something we need to address but I've been criticised for voicing that opinion in the past.

This requires more time to explain than I've currently got.


I know where you're coming from, bud - and to a degree I think you have a point. However, I think you have to define your terms somewhat.

What, for example, do you mean by 'conspiracy'? If you mean it's members of the Knights of St Columba or Agnus Dei sitting round a table in a darkened room filled with incense plotting against us, then no, there's no conspiracy.


If, however, the people in charge of radio or TV output make the same conscious decision, time after time, to stock panels, guest lists and phone-ins with people who all share andpropogate the same anti-Rangers viewpoint, and to have these shows moderated by presenters with an equally anti-Rangers standpoint, who allow every untruth imaginable to go unchallenged, what do you call that if not a conspiracy?

A conspiracy of silence, a conspiracy of inaction, a conspiracy of lies - you don't need a project-managed plan of action for there to be a conspiracy.


There is, for example, no question that Rangers is the same club as was founded in 1872. Everybody in the world, from Fifa to the Scottish Courts accepts this. The only ones who (pretend they) don't are Timmy, rival fans at the wind up and, wait for it....the BBC. Time after time, cosgrove, spiers, spence et al are allowed to come out with the same line about Rangers being a different club, that there's an "old" Rangers and a "new" Rangers - and this goes unchallenged, and by it's repetition from a "respected" broadcaster, it gains currency.


The BBC are deliberately allowing people they employ to broadcast lies and get away with it. You don't see that as a 'deliberate policy' or 'built-in anti-Rangers bias'?


It's beyond dispute that the Scottish mediscape is dominated by Timmy. He who controls the media decides who will work in the media, and he who controls the media controls the message.


Now, I will grant you that the behaviour of some of our fans has made it easy for them to paint us all with the same brush, but the point of the BBC is that since we *all* pay for it, it has a duty of fairness and impartiality to *all*.

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See, I don't accept that 'Timmy' dominates the 'mediascape'. If any group is over represented in BBC Scotland it's Gaelic speaking Scots most of who have a Presbyterian background. There are countless people in the media in Scotland who aren't Tims, but they aren't bluenoses either, and I think that's where the sense of bias comes from.


I accept your point about a 'conspiracy' it's an emotive word and to be fair I don't think 'D'Art actually used it in the first place.


I don't think the Gibson Street thing is nefarious I think it is symptomatic of what I mean. They only received one complaint. The problem was there was nobody on their panel who knows Rangers like we do, who think of the club like we do, who could stand up and say 'hang on that person is the bigot, not the Gallant Pioneers' and so they decide it might be easier just to ban them next time. My problem is why aren't their Rangers fans involved with events like that? I don't believe we're deliberately excluded, I think we are becoming hugely unrepresented in certain circles, particularly the Arts, for other reasons. That will be a problem for us in the future.

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From that link:


Liam Robertson, who pursued the complaint said: "How can we trust BBC Scotland's journalism when controversial stories are dropped due to senior managers not being able to follow their own guidelines?


"What really concerns me though is the culture of denial at BBC Scotland. They denied everything without even doing a proper investigation, dragged out my complaint over two years and then, as the Trust concluded, they 'misled' me.”


"It’s been an utter failure at every stage of the process and it makes me wonder how many other breaches are going unnoticed?"


When it comes to Rangers and Scottish football the bHeeb have been 'getting away with it'

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