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New audio clip of Green leaked

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whyte of course.


To what end though?


To suggest he has a witness? Or if it is Kennedy being spoken to by Green on the tape is Whyte trying to throw a spanner in the works regarding any ongoing interest Kennedy might have in buying Green's shareholding?

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to make a mockery of any not guilty verdict.


But this tape doesn't suggest anything other than a 3rd party (Brian) being involved in the discussions.


...Apart from Green saying his deal was different from TBK's and Miller's which we all knew anyway.

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But this tape doesn't suggest anything other than a 3rd party (Brian) being involved in the discussions.


...Apart from Green saying his deal was different from TBK's and Miller's which we all knew anyway.


if it is green and whyte talking to kennedy after green supposedly shafted whyte it's monumental.


perhaps its just a wee warning that tapes of this meeting exist?

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CRAIG WHYTE is worse than a lying, cheating, lowlife thieving conman.


Craig Whyte is lower than a snake and a huckster.


Craig Whyte is a slug!


A lowdown guttersnipe. A piece of dog excrement whose very existence is an offence to the human race.


That is the only conclusion which can be reached following the latest leaking of the Whyte Tapes to a Celtic website, something which was soon pounced upon by the Herald.


The Whyte Tapes make the Nixon Tapes seem positively pure and wholesome. The Whyte Tapes are deliberately and viciously aimed at damaging Rangers by sowing seeds of suspicion in the minds of a support already riven by doubt.


But Whyte is running out of tape, spliced, edited, doctored or otherwise tampered with by this apology of a man, this blot on the landscape.


His latest attempt to muddy the waters, as the long arm of the law reaches out and the net closes on his miserable, but still brass neck, is a tape of a conversation which took place between him and Charles Green.


However, and despite the fact the tape lasts less than a minute, it is clear to me this conversation took place more than a year ago, at the time when Rangers remained in administration, under the control of Duff and Phelps, when the Blue Knights had joined with Brian Kennedy in a last ditch effort to land Rangers, just before Charles Green burst on the scene.


Which is why I am 100per cent certain that when Green mentions the name, Brian, in conjunction with the Blue Knights, he is referring to Brian Kennedy.


The tape is fuzzy and inconclusive. Unlike Craig Whyte. He is, as clear as day, a guttersnipe. A low life. A conman. A thief. A cheat. A congenital liar. A shyster. A huckster. A slug.


A piece of dog excrement to be wiped off the sole of your shoe on the edge of the pavement.


The sooner the forces of the Crown Office, the Procurator Fiscal’s Office and Police Scotland feel his collar and the sooner he is dumped in the Bar-L, the better. Preferably banged up with some hard nut Rangers supporters.


The latest news about Whyte today is he appears to be on the lam, dodging a witness citation after claims that evidence he gave to the Procurator Fiscal, over charges brought against folk who worked for him in his heavily mortgaged Highland Castle, has been doctored.


Such a claim about Whyte is just about par for the course.


Of course, the tape which was originally leaked to the Scottish Football Monitor site, where all the rabid Rangers hating loonies who used to congregate on the totally discredited and under police investigation Rangers Tax Case blog now hang out, could have come from someone other than Whyte.


But if that is the case, the fact remains Craig Whyte is a conman, shyster, a liar a thief, a lowlife guttersnipe, a slug and a piece of dog excrement.


Which is what anyone, other than Whyte who may have leaked it, will be if their fingerprints are discovered to be on it.





SOME folk – let’s be charitable and call them bams – live in a never-never-world of twisted allegiances and perverted logic.


These are the folk who claimed that the only reason I wrote yesterday that Dave King was on the brink of making a move to buy up Rangers shares, was if he did, I could trumpet that I got it right.


Normal people – The People – will see the abnormality of such madness.


However, in deference to those living on the edge of insanity, I am able to say right here and now.....


I Was Right!


Right, when on Friday May 3rd I exclusively revealed that season ticket prices at Ibrox for next season would be frozen at their present prices, a fact which Rangers officially announced yesterday, eleven days after regular readers of LeggoLand got the good news.

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hes not wrong about whyte but he is about the tape imho.


its clearly not doctored or edited.


it seems to me clear that brian is with them at the time.


it also seems to me to be post admin.


leggo is either wrong or again doing greens bidding to make it out in a less damaging fashion. if you ask me.


i also thought perhaps the tape was leaked to the celtc website from the paper.

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I seem to remember blog after blog from Leggo praising Whyte to the skies and calling him Rangers' saviour and a master poker player who would smite our enemies.

As with so very many of his rants over the years "he was Wrong". Why doesn't he blare out his "misses" as well as his (supposed) "hits"?


Some may say it is because the negative ratio would be so embarrassing that even the Retard or Schum couldn't compete, I can't possibly comment.


Remember - he loved Whyte, so how could such an eagle-eyed experienced veteran of the ol' inky trade miss that he was, in fact: "a conman, shyster, a liar a thief, a lowlife guttersnipe, a slug and a piece of dog excrement."


Another interesting thing would be a list of Leggo's promises - promised actions (Phil's arrest), promised events and promised follow up articles exposing folk (too many to list though none ever seem to have quite been there when one followed orders to "tune in" next day).......... and a "list" of how many were kept.

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i also thought perhaps the tape was leaked to the celtc website from the paper.


Why would they do that? They have their own website and commercial concerns to worry about, knowing some of the people in their sports department I just can't see that scenario.

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Why would they do that? They have their own website and commercial concerns to worry about, knowing some of the people in their sports department I just can't see that scenario.


well i was thinking by a celtc supporting journo. or lesser dogsbody.

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