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Brian Stockbridge Accused - Dirty Tricks

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I do understand but I believe there's more than one side to it, as with most things. The fans' backing was needed to make any sort of progress, and that was the case for anyone that took over. There was already a lot of natural skepticism about Green and co simply because they were unknowns, so if he had been open from the start about having to cosy up with Whyte etc how do you think it would have been taken? I think at least a large amount of us would have panicked and just decided there and then Green was another wrongun, and hence a smaller season ticket uptake. So I can understand why it wasn't seen as a good idea to share all that information.


Although I do think Green should have considered getting ahead of the game once it was revealed that Whyte recorded his conversations, that's where I think a big mistake was made.


The thing that swung it for Green was McCoist's backing. The support were deeply sceptical of him before that and season ticket sales were almost non-existant. Once McCoist came on board Green should have got all his skeletons out. Whatever happens next a significant percentage of the support no longer trust him or want him, I can see no way back for him now. So whatever way you view this, even with the power of hindsight, it was an enormous error of judgement lying to us and that alone casts serious doubts on his judgement.

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The thing that swung it for Green was McCoist's backing. The support were deeply sceptical of him before that and season ticket sales were almost non-existant. Once McCoist came on board Green should have got all his skeletons out. Whatever happens next a significant percentage of the support no longer trust him or want him, I can see no way back for him now. So whatever way you view this, even with the power of hindsight, it was an enormous error of judgement lying to us and that alone casts serious doubts on his judgement.


I've said i'd like him back but I know realistically it'll never happen. All i'm really doing now is defending his legacy really.

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"There was no malice in it, " so McMurdo cannot hear sniggering or he does not know the difference between a snigger and a chuckle or giggle? Does he think talk re "punching him" followed by a laugh of agreement, is not "malicious"?


Bill has morphed into Leggo, or any number of the tedious folk who ruin every Rangers' forum, by nailing all his faith to one mast and never, ever caring about anything else than somehow proving themselves right to have done so. (Or in Leggo and certain posters' cases, person after person after person and always claiming they were really against SDM/Whyte/Green although all their posts were brown-nosing taken to obsessive, troll levels.)


The Rangers don't bother these people - risible though it is, their "on-line credibility" (what a hoot) that matters more to them than The Rangers.


Sickening, really.

Edited by SteveC
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The Campaign Against Brian Stockbridge.....


...This shows how low and unscrupulous those who want Stockbridge out are prepared to go to achieve their objective.


It comes on the back of other intimidatory measures applied to the Rangers Financial Director which I cannot divulge at this time. However, when the truth comes out it will shock more than a few of the Ibrox faithful.



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Disappointed in Bill's input of late but I guess he's entitled to his opinion.


It's certainly a difficult overall situation to interpret so I won't give anyone a hard time for trying to make sense of it.

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I believe the idealistic owners/board etc do not exist, but we shall see I guess.

I think if you go down the leagues to the 'diddy' clubs of the first second and third divs, you'll find that idealistic owners and boards are in the majority, guys you've never heard of and never will hear of, putting their own personal money into their clubs for zero reward other than knowing that they are contributing - and there's no reason why we couldn't be the same;

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