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Brian Stockbridge Accused - Dirty Tricks

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Cheers. I used to visit RM a lot but I started finding it hard going and hadn't been on for ages. Then last night funnily enough I saw a link on Twitter to that thread abusing the woman who wrote the piece for the RST. To be honest that alone will keep me away from it for a good while now, that was an appalling thread. But I did wonder if there was a place where people less hostile to Green were fortifying each other before sending you back out to get abuse from the rest of the support.


I think you're dead wrong about Green, but I'm starting to grudgingly admire your resilience on it. Although it does remind me a little of those Vanguard Bears guys (are they still about, don't hear much about them these days) defending Whyte's honour against all comers even after we were in administration just because they'd dug themselves into a position they couldn't face getting back out of.


Anyway, I hope you are right and we're all wrong and it turns out Green's done nothing wrong and everything is fine with the club.

I post on here of my own accord, nobody sends me anywhere. You may or may not remember that an anti-Green banner got torn down at one of the last home games, so while I haven't conducted any surveys myself I think it's a bit unfair to indicate that the majority of the support now sees Green as the devil and there's just a select group that don't. If I was to guess i'd say it's all pretty even steven.


Green hasn't been caught out not paying our tax, using Ticketus to buy the club, selling historical heirlooms (unless you count the stadium naming rights as such but that's another debate), having a directorship ban etc. I can assure you i'm not afraid to change my opinions, but I ask you genuinely what new information have we actually learned in the last few weeks? We've learned a few things about others involved in the boardroom I admit but that's more about conduct than anything, and something I feel no-one comes out of with much credit. But as far as Green is concerned, I haven't seen any reason or solid proof yet (in my view anyway) to say that his relationship with Whyte was more than about dealing with him during that pre-CVA period. Whyte was never handing over his shares out of the goodness of his heart so I honestly don't see what else could have been done, other than actually paying him millions.


I've admitted plenty in the past that Green got things wrong, I don't think it's been enough to wipe out all the good he did, or enough to consider him just another in a line of Whyte like crooks. And I don't believe everything is fine with the club either, I just don't think it's quite as much of a crisis as is being made out, I don't think it's as simple as one side = good, other side = bad.

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Your capacity for getting it wrong and suggesting someone is saying/meaning something other than what they intended is astounding. You should consider stopping making shit up and insinuating that people are saying things which they aren't.
You should consider deciding whether you actually want to discuss things or not. If you didn't want to engage with me then it was easy to simply ignore my quote of your post, I was hardly going to pester you for a response. But you decided to reply with some patronising bullshit so how exactly am I supposed to take that? "Life's too short", life is probably too short to be spending time on internet forums but we all do it anyway, presumably because we like to discuss, argue etc.


If my standard of debate/discussion is beneath you then I can't help that, but just make up your mind.

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For what it's worth - to the world of Rangers fans who really can't be arsed with the 'Dan Brown' and 'John Le Carre' side of the Rangers story we eagerly await the outcomes and decisions of events, rather than gossip, audio tapes, video tapes and rumour so that we can get back to football and move on as a football Club. And as far as I'm concerned I'm waiting to see what Green is actually guilty of that would shock me as a Rangers 'football' man (shafting Whyte in business doesn't shock me in the slightest. It pleases me if he has). If he is guilty of something more then hang him out to dry, but until such time...

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You should consider deciding whether you actually want to discuss things or not. If you didn't want to engage with me then it was easy to simply ignore my quote of your post, I was hardly going to pester you for a response. But you decided to reply with some patronising bullshit so how exactly am I supposed to take that? "Life's too short", life is probably too short to be spending time on internet forums but we all do it anyway, presumably because we like to discuss, argue etc.


I simply don't have time for trolling or incessantly argumentative people, so let's draw a line under this and get back on topic.

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Rangers fans’ chief: ‘Brian Stockbridge must go’


BRIAN Stockbridge should resign over his alleged leak of video showing a drunken Malcolm Murray, according to the head of one of Rangers’ largest supporters’ bodies.


Video emerged over the weekend showing Murray, the club chairman, drunkenly shouting while on a night out in London. The Daily Record reports that Murray believes he has been set up by Stockbridge in an attempt to remove him from his post.


Now Andy Kerr, President of the Rangers Supporters Assembly, has called for Stockbridge to stand down.


Kerr told the Record: “It’s unbecoming of the club. The lack of class is not something Rangers fans have been used to.


“If we’re at the stage where the level of trust between the people running the club is so bad that they go behind each other’s back taping incidents, then release them on the web – it’s a sorry state of affairs.


“It appears Stockbridge is the one filming the chairman so I’d have to say his position is now untenable at Ibrox.”


The Rangers Supporters Assembly is an umbrella group made up of a range of supporters’ groups and other interested parties. It holds regular meetings with the Ibrox board, and receives funding from the club as well as the use of office space inside Ibrox.


The Assembly was responsible for organising the boycott of this season’s Scottish Cup tie at Dundee United, although its vice-president Ross Blyth resigned after himself attending the game.


Kerr has been critical of the Ibrox board in recent weeks, and called for the executives to resolve their differences or risk losing out on season ticket sales. Rangers’ official website describes Kerr as “the official spokesman for fans in the media”.



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To be honest i wish they all would get out of Ibrox and leave the title deeds behind. If it was Stockbridge that made the film then he has totally underestimated the reaction of the fans. it says more about the moral fibre of Stockbridge rather than that of Murray.

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I post on here of my own accord, nobody sends me anywhere. You may or may not remember that an anti-Green banner got torn down at one of the last home games, so while I haven't conducted any surveys myself I think it's a bit unfair to indicate that the majority of the support now sees Green as the devil and there's just a select group that don't. If I was to guess i'd say it's all pretty even steven.


You've taken me a little to literally, I didn't think you were actually being controlled by someone, it was just a figure of speech.

I disagree on your guess, I doubt the majority see him as the devil but I'd say the majority would rather he left. It's all anecdotal of course.


I think you completely misunderstand the issue most people have with Green over Whyte. It's not that he had to deal with Whyte it's that he lied about it. Had he been open about it at the start he'd have taken some flack but he could have then been judged on what he did next. By lying about it his credibility is shot and you find yourself questioning everything else he said and did, at least those who have a problem with being lied to do.

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