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Dear Rangers - would you like 30 pieces of silver ?

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The truth if rather different, the SPL executive abdicated responsibility to the club chairmen who then abdicated responsibility to Rangers hating fans.


These turds deserve every misfortune heading their way.


Absolutely fair comment but I think we need to be concentrating on what's best for our club. Cutting off our nose to spite our face may not be the best strategy in that sense even if we'd all like to see our enemies suffer.

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Its all here for everyone to see. The trouble is we will definitely suffer. However, will the SPL.


I doubt Celtc will its an extra years free run at the cl for them.


I have no doubt some are motivated by spite - in fact it is obvious.


But in my opinion you are polarising the issue by suggesting its about financial benefit or exercising our grudge and telling them to stuff it.


Its not. There is another factor - Sporting Integrity. There is no sporting basis or sporting merit whatsoever for us to receive such an invite.

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Absolutely fair comment but I think we need to be concentrating on what's best for our club. Cutting off our nose to spite our face may not be the best strategy in that sense even if we'd all like to see our enemies suffer.

What is best for our club? Please elaborate, Frankie. I believe that skipping a league brings with it more deep seated negatives than short term positives but your take on this would be valued.

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What is best for our club? Please elaborate, Frankie. I believe that skipping a league brings with it more deep seated negatives than short term positives but your take on this would be valued.


I just see the pros and cons of both arguments.


D'Art is 100% correct to point out the sporting argument but we have to acknowledge the financial one as well. For me, I'd prefer SPL1 or nothing but it's probably not as simple as that. In may ways it's possibly a moot issue anyway.

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Absolutely fair comment but I think we need to be concentrating on what's best for our club. Cutting off our nose to spite our face may not be the best strategy in that sense even if we'd all like to see our enemies suffer.


There are times in life and in business that doing the right thing is an act of conscience and honour this is one of those times, without integrity nothing really matters, with it all matters.


I would like to think we as a club will hold fast to integrity and honour sporting integrity even, however I have my doubts on that score. If we climb into bed with those who seek no more or less than the blue pound, I will have to consider the implications of something so shallow and disreputable forged in the fires of mammon.

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There are times in life and in business that doing the right thing is an act of conscience and honour this is one of those times, without integrity nothing really matters, with it all matters.


I would like to think we as a club will hold fast to integrity and honour sporting integrity even, however I have my doubts on that score. If we climb into bed with those who seek no more or less than the blue pound, I will have to consider the implications of something so shallow and disreputable forged in the fires of mammon.


Absolutely fair comment and although I personally wouldn't let such a decision affect my own support, I would prefer we hoist our enemies by their own petard .

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That's different....we had won the league & earned promotion. The problem was that under the reconstruction proposal, every other team in div3 was getting bumped up as well


And what if the remainder if the sfl go to an 18 team league if this goes through?

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Absolutely fair comment and although I personally wouldn't let such a decision affect my own support, I would prefer we hoist our enemies by their own petard .


A few things our enemies petard didn't consist of was honour or integrity.

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And what if the remainder if the sfl go to an 18 team league if this goes through?


This is getting increasingly hypothetical.


It's 12-10-10-10 that's on the table. 12-12-18 fell at the first hurdle.

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There are times in life and in business that doing the right thing is an act of conscience and honour this is one of those times, without integrity nothing really matters, with it all matters.


I would like to think we as a club will hold fast to integrity and honour sporting integrity even, however I have my doubts on that score. If we climb into bed with those who seek no more or less than the blue pound, I will have to consider the implications of something so shallow and disreputable forged in the fires of mammon.


Spot on, mate. I hope that the club are aware of the seriousness of this issue for (I'd say) the majority of fans.

If the club were ever to do something like this, what exactly is it we'd be supporting?


Yes, it would be financially beneficial to us to move up a division. And? So what?

Yes, it would make celtic's cakewalk a year less prolonged, but again, so what? Everything they have won since 2012 has been tainted anyway.


We have two season tickets among three people in our family - and if this ever went through, we're all agreed we'd be giving them up.

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