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Airport And Belfast Set For Shops

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If it is right next to it (unit 74) then it appears unit 75 is much smaller looking at this floor plan




That's not accurate though. That shows unit 74 as being airside. It's an old one, I believe, before they had the refurb. If I'm reading that correctly the 55 is WH Smith and 60 is Boots. The Celtic shop is approximately 49 and 57, I believe.

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Correct that's an old plan , to be honest this is no more than an ego trip , there is a reason why the airport put the central search in and why 99% of the shops are airside , this will lose money , its a certainty

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Why when we have a superstore right beside an underground


How many tourists go out of their way to visit that area miles outside the city centre? Even Glasgwegians, there will be people who simply cannot be bothered taking the tube away over to Ibrox to go to the megastore. It's about giving the consumer what they want and they want shopping made as easy and simple as possible.

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How many tourists go out of their way to visit that area miles outside the city centre? Even Glasgwegians, there will be people who simply cannot be bothered taking the tube away over to Ibrox to go to the megastore. It's about giving the consumer what they want and they want shopping made as easy and simple as possible.


Have to agree, I miss the Rangers shops we had.

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