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Behold, a light in the west

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Son of Man what have you done ?


Your evil deeds and deceitfulness lie exposed before a watching world. Behind closed doors you have plotted and schemed, the darkness of your actions matching the darkness of your soul. In your hatred you have denied justice, shamed integrity and embraced the ways of the wicked. Have you no shame ?


(Even on their beds they plot evil; they commit themselves to a sinful course and do not reject what is wrong. Psalm 36:4)

You have lied son of Man, you have conspired, even your own call you "corrupt". Where oh son of Man are your bountiful Saturdays, where is your overflowing cup ? For all I see are closed stands, falling attendances and impending financial ruin.


(A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape. Proverbs 19:5)


You embraced the poisonous hatred and as a consequence you stand ruined. You are reaping that which you have sown. You laughter and rejoicing are no more. Instead you are a laughing stock before all nations, devoid of honour and integrity. And you wonder why sponsors shun you.


(May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. Psalm 35:26)


But cover your eyes son of Man and look to the west. Carefully shade your eyes, lest you be blinded by her radiance. For yes, son of Man, the light of the west is still there. She is not extinguished despite your evil plots and schemes. Her flame has not died. You have not, could not and will not extinguish her.

(The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day Proverbs 4:18)


Her people shame you with their devotion, their honour, their steadfastness. Men of all nations travel from afar to seek the people who triumphed with love over hatred. The courts and the judges of our land vindicate them before a watching world. Their glory is your shame, their justice is your condemnation.


(For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous. Psalm 37:17)


Know this son of Man. Your wicked schemes will be undone, your lies and corruption exposed. Your ruin is already upon you and your shame complete. The light of the west will burn then, now and for evermore.


(The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5)

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I don't see that version catching on tbo, can we no just stick to the original words...


A light shown in the night some way ahead, blue turned into green then it was red

And stirring the night love music played the light I saw in the night was a penny arcade


Hey step up and play each machine seemed to say,as I walked round and round the penny arcade

Just ring the bell on the big bagatelle and you'll make all those colored lights cascade

And music played at the penny arcade, yes it played and it played, played all the time

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I don't see that version catching on tbo, can we no just stick to the original words...


A light shown in the night some way ahead, blue turned into green then it was red

And stirring the night love music played the light I saw in the night was a penny arcade


Hey step up and play each machine seemed to say,as I walked round and round the penny arcade

Just ring the bell on the big bagatelle and you'll make all those colored lights cascade

And music played at the penny arcade, yes it played and it played, played all the time


It makes a welcome break for me from 5 paragraph essays !

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