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Another look at Keiran Prior

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As a shareholder though, should he not have a responsibility to himself to know those sorts of things?


Being a shareholder or a football manager does not give you the right to see internal forecasts and cash flows.

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It's been brought about by a complete lack of transparency from the current regime. I agree we shouldn't be using any significant amount of the IPO money to cover operating costs.


We were supposed to have money in the bank and be working within our means pre IPO according to several public boasts by Green. So why then did it appear when Green and Stockbridge were pressed on the issue towards the end of the season that more than half of the IPO money was missing? Where did it go? Are we back to the losing £1m a month sham? because even that doesn't begin to cover it.


You said before that you think Ally has a 'brass neck and a cheek' to be taking that wage from the club right now. My point is that he's only doing his job. It's not his job to figure out or to question whether the club can afford the amount he's paid personally or player budget he's given. Just like we blamed SDM instead of DA or WS for overspending the same should apply here.


It went on servicing the financial madness of previous regimes, who incidentally awarded the ludicrous salaries and players wages.

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It went on servicing the financial madness of previous regimes, who incidentally awarded the ludicrous salaries and players wages.


The salaries possibly were ludicrous but were still in line with our closest rivals. Our wage bill was actually a good bit lower at the time CW took over and with the exception of Boca & Goian all significant contracts sanctioned by him weren't TUPE'd.


When we were forced to start from Div3 Green & co had a decision to make. They could have made wholesale redundancies and been honest with everyone about where we stood, or they could do what they chose to do and pretend everything was fine at least for long enough for a successful flotation. They made the decision and to blame their poor business model on previous regimes is a joke.

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Your belief that hard nosed corporate investors/fund managers would fall for any old kettle of fish that CG proposed is touching.


I think the IPO went better than expected. Why any hard nosed corporate investors/fund managers would think Rangers was a sound investment at that valuation and under that stewardship is beyond my comprehension of the stock market.

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Being a shareholder or a football manager does not give you the right to see internal forecasts and cash flows.


Thanks that's why i asked the question. I wasn't sure. I would like to think Ally had enough brains to know salaries were too high and that his was ridiculous? We all could and we are just daft fans on the outside. Surely not hard to work out.

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