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James Easdale appointed director

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I admire your certainty on that, I will wait until criminal investigations are concluded, see who the net catches so to speak if anyone.


Yet you don't need to wait for King's criminal investigations to conclude to cast guilt..... interesting :P

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Yet you don't need to wait for King's criminal investigations to conclude to cast guilt..... interesting :P


The fact that he has already been relieved of some 400 million rand by SA courts sort of leads me to conclude that he is as guilty as sin, how about you, you think he was robbed of his crooked gains ?

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The fact that he has already been relieved of some 400 million rand by SA courts sort of leads me to conclude that he is as guilty as sin, how about you, you think he was robbed of his crooked gains ?


So, in other words, no conclusion to the investigations, merely a settlement that suited both sides. Gotcha :thup:

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1.5 for his cut of the share issue. The rest in wages, expenses, bonuses and payoffs.


Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


I thought his salary was only £300k. £1m for a few months in the 3rd divsion and a slabbering of moonbeams is disgusting.

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Somewhat older news, but some interesting bits (assumptions, I would say) involved ...






Sidenote ... while it is obviously interesting to know, why do they need to highlight to jail-term of a brother of the new director each and every time the name is mentioned? I wonder what lengthy list of failings could be attached to Dermot Desmond? At some point, one may get the impression that they look to bring the name of that one director into disrepute (on purpose).


I think you're an asset to Gersnet dB, I'm always interested in your take on us, your distance and upbringing often gives you a fresh perspective which I enjoy. However, your intransigence on this subject and your failure to read between the lines is difficult to understand.

It is not STV who are bringing his name into disrepute, he is managing that perfectly well on his own. They highlight that point because it astounded many observers, including Strathclyde Police, when they were granted the licence. Make of that what you will.

I don't know what you know about the private taxi business in the West of Scotland, so here's a hint http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/scottishnews/3057045/Taxi-tycoon-Stevie-Malcolms-gangland-links.html and here's another http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/7385384.stm

You're a smart guy dB, work it out.

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