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Sandaza contract finally terminated in mutual agreement

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He'll never play for a club like Rangers again.


In his case I doubt he's bothered. He wasn't keen on joining us first time around, so I don't think he looks on us in the same way as other players, and it may well be that he is glad that things turned out the way that they did.


The big concern is that it could be a tactic that other players use in the future if they are trying to engineer a move away.

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Sandaza was totally useless on and off the park as far as I'm concerned. It was a shame to see him wear light blue, I've rarely seen a player as dull as him. He certainly won't be missed.

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Not one shred of this story , no details nada , on any forum anywhere , yet it's all doom and gloom


It's not all doom and gloom at all. Some of us just aren't happy about the way some of these situations have been dealt with by Green & co.


Sandaza was let go because he was deemed surplus to requirements and it would reduce the wage bill further, but it was done under the guise of him having been sacked for breaching his contract.


Neil Murray was let go because he was deemed surplus to requirements and it would reduce the wage bill further, but it was done under the guise of him being suspended then let go because of some dodgy dealings.


Pip Yeates, was let go because he was deemed surplus to requirements and it would reduce the wage bill further, but it was done under the guise of him having left himself. The club statement read: "PIP YEATES has left Rangers after five years of service. The first-team physiotherapist is leaving the Club to focus on his own business". Pip Yeates later revealed in interviews that he had been made redundant as part of the cost-cutting/restructuring going on and that he hadn't chosen to leave himself to "focus on his own business" at all. He said he was gutted and shocked.


Maybe it's just me, but I think there's a pattern there and it's a pattern of Green & co telling lies about employee departures during a period of so-called "restructuring".


As I said at the time, I don't have a problem with cost-cutting and some redundancies, but at least be honest about it and don't lie to the fans. Green & co were more worried about their bloody share prices than they were about telling the Rangers fans the truth though.

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Maybe it's just me, but I think there's a pattern there and it's a pattern of Green & co telling lies about employee departures during a period of so-called "restructuring".

To be fair, many companies say similar things rather than turning round and saying "we made him redundant coz he's fairly crap at his job".

Edited by Bluedell
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To be fair, many companies say similar things. Rather than turning round and saying "we made him redundant coz he's fairly crap at his job".


Absolutely and that's a good point, but it must be said that the handling of both the Sandaza & Neil Murray situations went way beyond tarting up a press statement.

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ALLY McCOIST wishes Fran Sandaza’s Rangers career had not ended the way it did.

Spanish hitman Sandaza was binned by ex-Ibrox chief Charles Green, after being conned by an internet hoaxer posing as an agent.

Sandaza was due £1.2 million in wages and appealed the ruling, before SunSport revealed last Wednesday he had agreed a pay-off.

McCoist said: “It was a sad chapter for everybody. I don’t think anyone covered themselves in any glory through the whole situation.

“Fran has always been a smashing lad and he certainly goes with myself and my staff’s best wishes.”

Sandaza revealed details of his contract to the caller, who had indicated he could land him a bumper payday playing in the States.

He had netted just twice after signing last summer and suffered a brutal facial injury in Gers’ League Cup win over Motherwell.

McCoist added: “You should not forget Fran got a horrendous injury which set him back.

“I remember going to see him at hospital that night, the whole side of his face was smashed — cheekbone, eye socket, nose, everything.”

McCoist insists Sandaza’s hoax call incident is yet another warning to players.



Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/leaguedivision2/5023895/Allys-regret-at-Fran-exit.html#ixzz2ZZ9jS2qk

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