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I knew that buddy, just echoing what I said back then :)


I'll echo what you're saying now, about what you said back then. If JT wasn't on our payroll, this statement from the "club", would've been about him. If part of his remit is PR for the club, he is making a right arse of it.

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There's a bunch of fans who've been giving Fury (Chris Graham) dogs abuse because he spoke to Jackson 'on the record' after the recent fans' meeting. Anyone attacking Fury in the midst of all this chaos at the club has very confused priorities in my humble opinion.


Unfortunately, some people prefer to play the man rather than the ball. They're less than consistent in their application of this 'rule' though. It's certainly overly personal for a few people which I think clouds their judgement.


FWIW, I don't think Chris should have spoken to the Record but he's a big boy and he's entitled to his opinion. In that sense he feels very strongly about what's happening at the club and believes in his opinion enough to speak to the press about it. Fair enough but I disagree with working with the Record.


I think some people have forgotten that disagreement is healthy rather than taking it personal though...

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They all seemed fine with Fury until they realised he was in the RST, this set the cat among the pigeons for a few [RM and Vanguard]. It didn't do David Edgar much good either.


It seems the RST/MD are hated as much as celtc by some Rangers Supporters.

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They all seemed fine with Fury until they realised he was in the RST, this set the cat among the pigeons for a few [RM and Vanguard]. It didn't do David Edgar much good either.


It seems the RST/MD are hated as much as celtc by some Rangers Supporters.


Yep, it all comes to down personality issues. A few people will not back down on that.

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And, IMHO, it is relatively few. But on RM at least they have a tendency to shout everyone else down.


Sure. There literally is around 5 or 6 people determined to be destructive on some issues. Unfortunately, because they're vocal others tend to buy into their claims which amplifies the problem. Unfortunately, we then often see a reaction from those criticised (unfairly or not) which exacerbates it even more.


No one benefits from the handbags but those that wish to see the club struggle. It's a shame these people don't see that but it's gone way beyond reparation.

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