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Angela Haggerty -Intimidation over Rangers story left me in fear

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I've a feeling I'm going to be unpopular.


I've some sympathy for her. I don't know her, I've not knowingly read anything she's ever written until the piece above but I see her name regularly denounced on the internet by other Rangers supporters. My sympathy comes from my observation that too often people play the man (or woman in this case) rather than the ball. I notice her called a 'hag' and I get that it's a play on her name, but it's also a derogatory term for an unattractive female, why is that a necessary observation? I also see her called a cow, a boot, a witch, a slag and accused of performing various sex acts on other 'Celtic minded' bloggers fairly regularly on my Twitter timeline and I try not to follow the moronic element. Again, what's all that about?


If she writes stuff you/we disagree with then challenge the piece, use facts but don't call her names simply because she's a young female. I've no idea if she's been threatened but to be honest it wouldn't surprise me, the internet is full of hardmen.


I'm not naive, I understand this is all part of the Spence rearguard action taking place currently. If she's writing for The Drum she must be about 20 because Gordon Young pays pennies and anyone who can actually write leaves the second they have the chance so he pretty much staffs the place with interns and graduates.


So, I don't know, I guess I'm just uncomfortable with grown men calling young women offensive names that seem to be based on their gender more than anything else.

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I've a feeling I'm going to be unpopular.


I've some sympathy for her. I don't know her, I've not knowingly read anything she's ever written until the piece above but I see her name regularly denounced on the internet by other Rangers supporters. My sympathy comes from my observation that too often people play the man (or woman in this case) rather than the ball. I notice her called a 'hag' and I get that it's a play on her name, but it's also a derogatory term for an unattractive female, why is that a necessary observation? I also see her called a cow, a boot, a witch, a slag and accused of performing various sex acts on other 'Celtic minded' bloggers fairly regularly on my Twitter timeline and I try not to follow the moronic element. Again, what's all that about?


If she writes stuff you/we disagree with then challenge the piece, use facts but don't call her names simply because she's a young female. I've no idea if she's been threatened but to be honest it wouldn't surprise me, the internet is full of hardmen.


I'm not naive, I understand this is all part of the Spence rearguard action taking place currently. If she's writing for The Drum she must be about 20 because Gordon Young pays pennies and anyone who can actually write leaves the second they have the chance so he pretty much staffs the place with interns and graduates.


So, I don't know, I guess I'm just uncomfortable with grown men calling young women offensive names that seem to be based on their gender more than anything else.


She'd be getting called names if she was a young man as well

Edited by simplythebest
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She despises Rangers but edits a book about the Rangers so-called financial collapse. Why? because she was glorifying about our troubles and couldn't resist putting the boot in via this book and whatever else she's been involved in which is anti-Rangers. If you provoke & antagonise your enemies be prepared for a response from them. Looks like she got more than she bargained for. Rough luck Angie babe.

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I did not came across it, but were the contact details of herself and her colleagues actually posted in FF? Not that these contact are most likely out there in the net for all and everyone to see, if anyone actually cares to look them up.


The problem with these people is that in the current climate their word is being used as gospel. A very sad development in the age of internet instant info and its fast distribution.

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Ideally we could all agree with AMMS.


But it gets mighty hard to keep one's social principles when it is us, us and only ever us whose fans are highlighted in this manner when, as a glance at twitter/facebook will show you, there's not a club in the UK doesn't have internet loons attached to it.

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Ideally we could all agree with AMMS.


But it gets mighty hard to keep one's social principles when it is us, us and only ever us whose fans are highlighted in this manner when, as a glance at twitter/facebook will show you, there's not a club in the UK doesn't have internet loons attached to it.


Totally agree with you Andy and to add the timing is very strange all in defence of Spence it would seem. I suppose this group think if we tell the story often enough it will become a matter of fact.

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If anti-Rangers folk in the media want to create a situation and use 'free speech' as a reason to do it then want reaction so they can go to the police to cement their agenda (using the internet) then WE really should stop posting their crap on our forums.


Why do we react to their stuff about us not being The Rangers when WE and everybody's granny know we are?


It is time to ban all the ginger bigots from Rangers discussion forums.


Arseholes like Spence should simply be ignored - why give them exposure to what they say?


We know the truth, that is enough.


We boil in fury at them, then they come out with being 'threatened' in the street - they even say the wife was with them at the time. Have you seen their wives?

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Fabulous post by 54&C.


Our reaction to so many incidents has been clumsy and ill advised, like some freshly hatched Frankenstein's monster stumbling through the woods. I know we had to get political in response to Timothy's 30 year campaign on the same lines but as yet it has been completely counter productive.


We let the heart rule the head far, far too often and when there are calls for a cold, clear eyed view of a situation the cry of handwringer peals out from all around. Taking stock of the overall picture and making your moves accordingly doesn't seem to me to be anything other than common sense, but it's a common sense I would ally to an absolutely ruthless determination to get us back to the top and to destroy those who took a hand in trying to destroy us.

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