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Board proposal (from McLaughlin & McMurdo yet again!!!)

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Yep, I had heard that the Requisitioner's 'slate' for the Board was imminent although very disappointed that my own candidature was overlooked. Do we know much about Scott Murdoch and Alex Wilson?


Personally , I would have included Gunslinger and Forlansister!

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It's not only the scrote McLaughlin running with this, it's McMurdo too.....


September 30, 2013

New Board Members Proposed


Paul Murray and at least 5% of investors have put forward four names for appointment to the Rangers board at the forthcoming AGM.


Malcolm Murray is to be proposed as a Non Executive Director and reappointed as Chairman of the PLC – according to one source: “Even after he officially admitted leaking price sensitive information to Paul Murray and Keith Jackson.”


Paul Murray to be appointed as CEO and a Director.


Scott Murdoch – an ex-Blue Knight – to be appointed as a Non Executive Director. Murdoch is presently a director at Loch Lomond Golf Club. My information is that Murdoch’s skills as a property expert will see him being given the specific task of bringing in further financing of Rangers by carrying out a sale and lease back of Ibrox. This will horrify most fans and I am sure those fans will want cast-iron guarantees that no such course of action even be considered by the Rangers’ board.


Alex Wilson, ex Head of HR at BT is also to be brought in - it is said to implement a staff cull.


It is understood that Rangers’ NOMAD Strand Hanson are not crazy about Paul Murray’s proposed appointment and blocked it previously.


Good people added to the board is not a bad thing. However, Paul Murray as CEO or in any directorial role will not go down well with many and I cannot see Gers fans being anything other than incandescent with fury at the thought of selling and leasing back Ibrox and Auchenhowie.




Further to my earlier piece about claims I am on Rangers payroll, let me be unequivocally clear.


Nobody pays me to write favourably about them. No Rangers director or PR company.


I also consult in addition to blogging and a good deal of that is unpaid. I am happy to offer counsel and advice and obviously prefer the paid gigs!


I do not get paid for any consultancy by Rangers or the club’s consultants. If a Rangers director phoned and asked my advice I would give it to them.


Many people have said that they see no ethical problem should I be paid by clients that I blog about. I don’t either but it wouldn’t feel right to me.


The power of this blog is that it is an honest view, honestly held, given without fear or favour. You can’t buy me and you can’t buy my favourable opinion. My friends and loyal readers know this.


My enemies fear it.


I support the Rangers board because In my judgement it is the right thing to do.


Should I stop supporting the Rangers board, I might say so.


But I won’t resort to the vile antics of others and try to destabilise the club I love.


The bottom line is I am not paid by Rangers either directly or indirectly. Rangers already have the best PR and media consultancy on retainer.


And as a Rangers fan, that is good enough for me.



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You would think Bill,being a Rangers fan,would want to know the answer to the questions we are all asking?, it should be easy for the current board to tell us where the cash went?,they have been asked and said they don't know!.

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