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Former Rangers commercial director’s £500,000 claim against the club is based on a letter written by ex-chief Charles Green, a court has heard.


Imran Ahmad is pursuing The Rangers Football Club Limited for the sum after his appointment with Rangers was terminated in April this year.


He originally claimed he was due £3.4m as part of a 5% bonus he had negotiated on £67m worth of commercial contracts he had overseen.


On Wednesday, the Court of Session heard that Mr Ahmad claims Mr Green guaranteed him the bonus in a letter written to him.


Mr Ahmad alleges that the letter created an obligation to make the payment, although the Ibrox club are contesting the claim.


During a preliminary hearing in the case Mr Ahmad's counsel, Ewan Campbell, argued that it would be possible to take a decision on whether Mr Green had "implied authority" as chief executive officer at the time in light of the company's articles of association or under the terms of a contract clause.


He told Lord Woolman: "These are matters which the pursuer submits can be dealt with without the hearing of evidence and can be determinative of the matter."


Alan Summers QC, for Rangers, said as he understood the case it involved an argument that is "breathtaking in its audacity".


He said the primary position for Mr Ahmad seemed not to rely on a contract clause over bonus provision to the former commercial director, but that this was "an independent, unilateral exercise of power by a CEO" to give away £500,000.


The lawyer added both Rangers and the court needed to know where the authority to do this came from.


Lord Woolman said the court would require to decide whether the letter constituted a promise and if it did not whether it was written in terms of the bonus clause provisions. The judge said a procedural hearing in the action would be held in December.


Mr Ahmad left after revelations about the dealings he and Mr Green had with Rangers oldco owner Craig Whyte around last summer when their consortium acquired the Ibrox club’s assets in a £5.5m deal.


The broker, who previously founded the London firm Allenby Capital Limited and worked for Zeus Capital, was also accused of anonymously posting sensitive company information relating to Rangers on a fans’ website.



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You started it. :D


We both know that one or two people won't discuss the dubious actions of CG and IA whilst deflecting onto other subjects.


Either that or they'll stay mute which says even more about their imbalance.

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His actions during his time with the club were very poor indeed. Tolerated and rewarded by his associates as well it seems.

The QC representing Rangers described Ahmed's claim as "breathtaking in its audacity." Goodness knows what other audacious and breathtaking decisions, at the club's expense, took place when Ahmed and Green were in office.

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