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A few points of order

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I have to tell you that only last month, poster Brahim Hemdani was obliged to chastise me thoroughly over my use of coarse, crude language. I have an image of him to this day as Mr Thwacky off 'The Bash Street Kids'. We can be childish too!


Pleased to note you've taken my admonishment to heart!

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Glad this thread was made.


As a new member I chose this forum for the points made in the op.


I'll try to refrain from name calling and the like but to an extent I do believe people deserve a right of reply when they themselves have been personally attacked.My experience as a forum poster at times,( on other forums ) has been over shadowed by internet hardmen and general idiots. From people following your every post ( simply for disagreeing with them ) to wierdo's giving you their seat number at Ibrox so you can '' sort it out ''


I sometimes wonder what is happening to us as a support but thankfully the posters in here can keep things human, and not resort to throwing crayons and pinging bogies at each other,which is a habit I've witnessed in other forums.


Thankfully this place has a sound level of intelligence and maturity with a good sense of humour, unlike the last place I've come from which I won't mention but its the kind of place where Chit Chat is busier than the Rangers section, and has threads such as '' What are you having for your tea '' at times I've half expected to sign in and find a '' what's your favourite colour '' thread such was the mentality.


Although purely as a spectator, from what I saw of the RM fella's in here recently, they were caught short and didn't come across as the brightest candle on the cake.


The general opinion of posters on here is we want to discuss things about Rangers and not lose the discussion by disrespecting others of a different meaning. We are not 100% perfect in that but we do try our best to reach a high score.

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