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Why do Rangers fans put Jim McColl on a pedestal?

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Driving force was maybe the wrong term.....but he was approached by other shareholders to "spearhead the uprising". He & P Murray are the ones actively leading the revolt. The shareholders approached him for a reason. Based on previous comments from McColl I agree 100% that if he took control (unlikely), he certainly would not be a sugar daddy. I believe he would do what CG & M Murray originally stated (& failed to do) - get the club running soundly and within its means as a solid business entity.


Any report I have seen on who was approached by disgruntled shareholders cites Paul Murray, I do not subscribe to that story for one moment.

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Any report I have seen on who was approached by disgruntled shareholders cites Paul Murray, I do not subscribe to that story for one moment.


Subscribe to whatever you want but the institutional investors who paid 70p per share had seen the price drop to 42p with no sign of it picking up. Wouldn't you be concerned?

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Subscribe to whatever you want but the institutional investors who paid 70p per share had seen the price drop to 42p with no sign of it picking up. Wouldn't you be concerned?


My concern would hinge on whither I was a long term investor or short term speculator, I will subscribe to my own thoughts that the stories of who approached whom are somewhat open to interpretation.

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Tom Farmer owns Hibs. He takes no part in the running of the club and doesn't sit on the board. He believes the club is a part of the community he was raised in and should be protected for future generations, he did this after Hibs very nearly went out of business.


I don't know McColl's motivations but I see similarities here. McColl is clearly a West of Scotland bluenose and has witnessed the club lurch from crisis to crisis. I admire the fact he 's saying openly he doesn't have the time to run the club or play an active role in it's affairs, very few people do. Running a club like Rangers takes up a lot of time and energy, full commitment should be demanded from those involved with the board.


But to want the club run sensibly, professionally, soundly and for the benefit of the supporters is surely the most desirable thing here, no? Rangers don't need a sugar daddy and we shouldn't ever be a rich man's hobby again.

If McColl can use his influence to ensure the club is run professionally and in the interests of the club and its supporters only then he gets my vote. If he see's his role as being similar to that of Farmer I'd have no problem with that either.


There is no doubt at all that McColl has been successful in business, none. Part of that success will be in knowing his own limitations and abilities. Attacking him because he wants what's best for the club but recognises that isn't necessarily him is strange. Surely that should be applauded?

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