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i'm in two minds about this statement; I don't know if it's condescending, petulant and amateurish - or whether it's just embarrassing, undignified and unprofessional.


There's a word which admirably encapsulates all six of those adjectives.

It's "jackirvinesque."

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Christ almighty! They've released an announcement to the stock exchange to promote this shambolic statement from the chairman!


To think that there's actually fans trying to suggest that the requisitioners and bloggers who've supported the requisitioners are damaging the share price while the buffoons in the boardroom with the help of Toxic Jack have been releasing regular nonsense like this to the stock exchange. You couldn't make it up!

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What I am not clear about is who approached Somers, with a view to his becoming our chairman? Who interviewed him? Who decided that he was the most suitable candidate? I may be unfair but when he was appointed it was like a political party selecting some person, who knew little about the constituency and shoeing in that person to be their candidate in a winnable seat. Sure, there are good points in his statement but I just find it hard to believe that someone in their seventies, residing down in Sussex and with a seemingly average career record is likely to provide the leadership that is required to take our club forward.


Somers was appointed by our NOMAD, Daniel Stewart & co who certainly do not appear to be independent because they have strong links with Green and his regime and also with Craig Whyte.

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Somers was appointed by our NOMAD, Daniel Stewart & co who certainly do not appear to be independent because they have strong links with Green and his regime and also with Craig Whyte.


Strange appointment process. Someone remote from our club appoints someone remote from our club.

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I think folk need to take a few steps back from the whole situation.


The more I read on here, the more I believe that no matter who is/was appointed to the Board (pre-AGM), they would not be suitable, regardless of who they are, what their background is and who they have heard of or dealt with in the past - If they are not part of the requisitioner's, then they are bad.


Mr Sommers is obviously privy to a lot more information than any of us, and based on that information he has openly slated the previous Board members as being unfit for purpose (as the fans have been saying as well). He has also stated that a full review of current contract will be taking place - based I'm sure on his reading of previous Board minutes.


The impression that I get from the statement/letter is that he is publicly acknowledging what the fans believe to be true and is committing to sorting it out.


Many will argue that MM was out-voted on many Boardroom decision during his time as chairman - I'm sure this is something that will be well documented in the meeting minutes as will any decisions that MM put in place. This gives Mr Sommers a far better view of MM's performance than any fan has.


WRT Paul Murray - his many attempts to gain control of Rangers in the past have been well documented. So far, everyone of these attempts have failed (for whatever reason), yet many folk almost see him as the Saviour of the Club....


What I find most disappointing is the instant distrust for any new board members - by all mean be sceptical - but how are they going to change peoples view of the Board & themselves, when they are constantly shot down @ every turn. Until proved otherwise, I believe they should at least be listened too, then given the chance to follow up on their commitments & plans - all the while being watched & questioned (in a civilised manner of course).

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The Chairman states that the previous boards have been unfit to run the club. He uses this to attack Malcolm Murray while giving Brian Stockbridge a free pass. I think this is incoherent and should give us an indication of how seriously we should take the statement.

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What I am not clear about is who approached Somers, with a view to his becoming our chairman? Who interviewed him? Who decided that he was the most suitable candidate? I may be unfair but when he was appointed it was like a political party selecting some person, who knew little about the constituency and shoeing in that person to be their candidate in a winnable seat. Sure, there are good points in his statement but I just find it hard to believe that someone in their seventies, residing down in Sussex and with a seemingly average career record is likely to provide the leadership that is required to take our club forward.


I cannot vouch for the accuracy but I have heard that Stockbridge wields more power than people think, as for the statement it seems to have upset all the right people as far as the delivery is concerned.

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I cannot vouch for the accuracy but I have heard that Stockbridge wields more power than people think, as for the statement it seems to have upset all the right people as far as the delivery is concerned.


Like a large section of the support?

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