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BF1 are the only people who sing at Ibrox full stop. Whether that be 'ultra' songs, Rangers songs or loyalist songs.


Go to an away game and you'll see.


And anyway whenever Ibrox is rocking it's always to a loyalist song.


I go to plenty away games Ryan and the vast majority of fans IMO don't sing and certainly don't sing Loyalist songs. Most Rangers fans are just that, Rangers fans.


Hope this helps.

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Thankfully attitudes like Ryan's are becoming less and less prevalent, with every passing decade a new generation of young fans are introduced to the overwhelmingly positive experience of supporting Rangers. Education is the anti-dote to intolerance and we all have a responsibility to educate each other in order that this progress continues.

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If you want to know something go directly to the source, assume nothing. Your assumption that "I also feel you are conflating 'removing the religious element' with singing songs glorifying murder gangs." is basically wrong. If you read any of my posts in this thread I have not advocated merging Protestanism with with any other ' ism '. I said that the Global support , such as that poor insignificant amount of diaspora compared to the big clubs' support, require the central Protestant core. That is not the same as embracing any kind of 'ism'. In our club we play songs like 'Still the Blues' and other Rangers' standards, those who attend the NARSA convention will get their 'ism ' jag when they have a listen to, and join in with, The Govan Protestant Boys Flute Band. Those who choose not to enjoin can leave and enjoy other pursuits for the evening.

That remark about the Chinese kid was specious. However, I do agree with you that producing world class players will help increase the the small Global support, although you do realise that you and I will never see a Rangers team playing anything close to the standard of Barcelona in our lifetime.

You seem to have a real problem with loyalism, and that is your choice and is perfectly legitimate. However, you ask me why I still see it as a virtue and yet I have never advocated loyalism in any of my posts ( assumption again ). It is not for me to preach to the choir. I have agreed with you in a previous post that the world is changing and that anachronisms will probably fall by the wayside by default. If you believe that, then why are you wasting so much energy railing against an 'ism' that will be taken care of by society and the authorities for you?

I can be a Rangers supporter, RTID, and not need to be the same guy I was 40/50 years ago. If the truth be known, over that time period you get to look back across the pond and see how parochial the whole situation is. Sometimes the whole thing just saddens you.

However, with a foot on each shore the cry will always be 'NO SURRENDER'.


I do. I spent three years in Northern Ireland and I came to the conclusion that 'loyalism' does the working class people of the Province only harm. For a start I'm unsure who their loyalty is too. If it is the British state then that 'loyalty' certainly isn't reciprocated. Aside from these outward celebrations of poverty, poor schools and economic desolation 'loyalism' also seems to prevent genuine discourse on how to improve the lot of the people of Northern Ireland.


I'd prefer we dropped the UVF stuff ourselves before we are forced too by a society who grows tired of our refusal to accept the march of time, that's why I join these threads. I do think the UVF stuff will get us into trouble and will be used by our enemies to harm us, I'd rather we didn't allow that to happen. I've heard posters like Ryan (that's a right Tim sounding name btw...) say it's all about WW1 before but everyone knows that's bollocks and nobody outside our support will give that the time of day.


Beyond that Barca I've read your post a few times now and I'm not really sure what you believe in.

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Thankfully attitudes like Ryan's are becoming less and less prevalent, with every passing decade a new generation of young fans are introduced to the overwhelmingly positive experience of supporting Rangers. Education is the anti-dote to intolerance and we all have a responsibility to educate each other in order that this progress continues.


That's not the case. Believe me..

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