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in reality it tells you everything you need to know about our board from someone at the coal face.


as i said a while back ally was never going to go against walters wishes on this.


I remember you calling this ages ago, after your speakers night iirc. Good on you and I hope the story is true and they do vote against the board.

Edited by Super Cooper
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ALASTAIR McCOIST’S decision to proxy his 1M shares to his local supporters club has boosted the fans’ stake in Rangers to more than 13.5 per cent.


And it flies in the face of everything the £270,000-a-year spin doctor employed by the Rangers regime, Jack Irvine, has been whispering in the ear of journalists, namely that the outcome of Thursday’s Annual General Meeting is a foregone conclusion in favour of the deeply unpopular board.


The Irvine strategy is clear. He wants to sicken the already battle weary Rangers supporters. He wants them to believe they have no chance and that it is not worth their while voting.


But Irvine’s typical sneak attack is not working. For Rangers supporters know they hold the key to the outcome of the AGM. They know that their votes will count. Now the most high profile Rangers fan of them all, manager Alastair McCoist, a Rangers icon, has gone back to his Bluenose roots to act with deep commitment and display his real love of Rangers.


Any Rangers supporter who is also a shareholder must now act. Every Rangers supporter who is also a shareholder must make sure they vote on Thursday. They must attend the AGM or proxy their vote to a trusted pal.


For despite the black propaganda from the regime’s hated £270,000-a-year spin doctor, Jack Irvine, the fact of the matter is that the outcome of the AGM is tight and still too close to call. And the regime knows that.


Therefore every vote counts. Every percentage of ownership of Rangers will be vital in determining whether Rangers remain in the grip of the current regime or are passed into the hands of those who will act as custodians of what Bill Struth called the sacred trust of being a Ranger.


McCoist has already displayed his Struth credentials....again.


Lest it be forgotten, it was Alastair McCoist who stood tall during those dark days of the late winter, spring and summer of 2012 when the club’s very existence was in peril.


It was Alastair McCoist who sent out the clarion call of “We don’t do walking away,” and rallied a stunned support. Now he has once again given them the message that he remains, at heart and soul, a Bluenose.


Now it is up to the good men and women and true of the East Kilbride Rangers Supporters Club to use the Rangers manager’s proxy wisely.


And it is up to every Rangers fan who owns a share to do the same. The message is simple, you have a vote and you have a club. Use your vote or lose your club.


It will also be interesting to gauge the reaction from the Institutional Investors to the news about McCoist’s 1M votes, his 1.54pc stake in Rangers being proxied to the fans.


Blue chip investors from London’s Square Mile will surely look again and wonder what is going on inside Ibrox when the plc’s most high profile employee does not automatically throw his weight behind the directors. That will give those investors much to ponder and could sway the undecided, or even force those who have previously backed the board to start think that the best way to protect their investment is to vote for regime change.


McCoist’s move comes on the back of his old team mate, nine-in-a-row captain Richard Gough coming out against the controversial regime.


It comes when the man voted the Greatest Ranger Ever, but branded “Thick” by the regime’s £270,000-a-year spin doctor Jack Irvine, John Greig has refused to go to Ibrox for over a year.


While the best Rangers manager since Bill Struth, Walter Smith is also in exile from the club he loves.


It all adds up.


They all know the danger of the regime retaining its stranglehold on the Rangers purse strings. This regime has coined in around a staggering £53M in the past 18 months, but by their own admission will have a mere million left come April.


How can they possibly get their hands on another £50M-plus in the next 18 months, the year and a half which is left before the planned Rangers return to the top flight?


Yet Rangers supporters know it will take that and more to run the club over the next 18 months and then buy the sort of players capable of beating Celtic to the title in season 2015-16.


They also know how tough it will be for Rangers to get back to the top flight, before even starting to think about halting Celtic’s procession to 10-a-row and more, an unchallenged cake-walk which will put Rangers proud world record of 54 titles under serious threat.


Even with the current squad, getting promotion from a Championship which unlike League One will contain a number of full time contenders, including Hearts, Dundee, Falkirk and Dunfermline, will be hard.


But with cash so tight inside Ibrox, it is more likely that the Rangers squad will be weakened by the sale of its best players, rather than strengthened by the arrival of better ones.


Lee Wallace is an obvious target.


And Wallace is the only member of the squad who is good enough to be part of a team supporters could have faith in stopping Celtic in their tracks during a return to the top flight which is only, at best, 18 months away.


All of which adds up to why it is absolutely crucial to everything Rangers supporters hold dear, their 54 world record titles, the spirit of Bill Struth, the legend of the Greatest Ever Ranger, John Greig, their belief in nine-in-a-row hero Walter Smith and his loyal captain, the outspoken Richard Gough and now the courageous actions of old Golden Balls himself, their iconic manager, Alastair McCoist, that those fans return Rangers to the sort of men Bill Struth would have recognised as being worthy of the sacred trust of being custodians of all that he held dear.


The consequences of the alternative may be hard for Rangers fans to think about. But Rangers supporters should think about them.


For the more than 13.5 per cent of Rangers which is in their hands gives those Rangers fans the chance to save Rangers. But only if thbey use their power.

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