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Dave King urges Rangers to invite PM onto board

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Steve, although I want fan ownership to occur tomorrow morning, I'm not sure that it's going to - but the important thing is that it happens one day, preferably sooner rather than later of course, even if no-one on this board is around to see it.


Ten years ago, few people had even heard of fan ownership. Now, everyone has heard of it.


It will happen, and when it does, 100,000 Rangers fans will say that they were always in favour of it.


In the future, members of Rangers will be mystified that anyone could ever have been against the idea.

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I could weep about the amount of posts that appear on sites when King is mentioned with "sugar daddy", "one man show", "one man owning the Club". It shows a complete ignorance of the man's intentions which he has stated quite clearly - often!!


He doesn't want to own or buy the Club - no interest - full stop!!

He wants to invest in the Club but only when the board can prove that the required levels of fiscal governance are in place - not before - full stop!

He is not a cowboy - He wants nothing out of the Club for his investment.



Just to be clear, I was talking about sugar daddies in general and the seeming wish of many fans for one. I happen to think that fan ownership would be ideal, or representation would be something. However I think we are in a situation with virtually no alternatives but to hope that King is everything you say and will do as you say. In fact if instead of even something as good as this - a Rangers fan investing - I'd take a Rangers fan buying us right now. We are facing Armageddon otherwise, after all.

I never called King a cowboy nor meant to infer he was. He's my last hope - despite hoping Hildy's long term vision comes true - in this grim week.

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Anchorman, no-one is saying that King is dubious. One person ownership - no matter who that person is - is an obscenity.


If I owned Rangers it would be an outrage.


One-person ownership of Rangers is beyond the pale.

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Dave King always seems to be lurking, and it's not healthy as a sizeable element in the support is hoping that he'll buy or invest in Rangers and make the club's problems go away - at least for a while.


It's sad day when the extent of our ability to solve problems is to wish for a saviour - to believe that one man can sort out the mess that has engulfed us. I'd rather King found another project to pass his time. It's up to us to find a proper and lasting solution - not the quick and rather dubious fix of handouts from a rich man's wallet.


What you're saying is all fine and well in principal and I agree to a certain extent, but in reality I have to completely disagree because I don't think very many fans see Dave King as any kind of all-encompassing number one saviour who's going to plough his remaining fortune into the club. It's more about the fact that he's a wealthy bluenose we all know and to a great degree trust, who's now keen, willing and able to get involved, both in investing and in the running of the club. We'd need to be collectively insane to turn him away or turn our noses up at his interest to get involved and try to help the club move forwards.


A fan run club (which I know you want) or club with a large dose of fan power is currently only an idealistic solution. It's something a relatively small, but active number of fans have been striving for, but not really getting anywhere of note for over a decade despite a lot of campaigning and hard work by a countless number of volunteers. It's undoubtedly still something to consider working towards, but there is absolutely no way it's a short term solution because if it was, then the fans would already own the club, right now.


Steve, we saw D'Artagnan's begging letter to Dave King recently. The Rangers support drones on about 'dignity' more than any other group of people in society and then puts the hat round in expectation of some kind of handout. This isn't dignified - it's the very opposite.


We should be putting the message out that we have moved on from this. We should be above the petty squabbling that some indulge in so readily.


We should be constructive in our efforts instead of vindictive.


I read D'Artagnan's sort of open letter to Dave King differently. At face value I didn't agree or think it was a good idea, but didn't see it as a begging bowl at all. After getting over the initial reaction and thinking about it further, I saw it as a roundabout way of simply calling for some calm and obviously some unity, but could easily have misinterpreted it because it could definitely be interpreted in multiple ways.

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Just to be clear, I was talking about sugar daddies in general and the seeming wish of many fans for one. I happen to think that fan ownership would be ideal, or representation would be something. However I think we are in a situation with virtually no alternatives but to hope that King is everything you say and will do as you say. In fact if instead of even something as good as this - a Rangers fan investing - I'd take a Rangers fan buying us right now. We are facing Armageddon otherwise, after all.

I never called King a cowboy nor meant to infer he was. He's my last hope - despite hoping Hildy's long term vision comes true - in this grim week.


It wasn't aimed at you Steve. It was actually at Hildy.

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Anchorman, no-one is saying that King is dubious. One person ownership - no matter who that person is - is an obscenity.

If I owned Rangers it would be an outrage.

One-person ownership of Rangers is beyond the pale.


What is it you don't get about this next sentence? Dave King has no interest in owning Rangers!!!

Edited by Anchorman
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Zappa, an opportunity was missed to own the club, and it's a long and boring story that probably doesn't need to be rehashed now, but the ideal hasn't gone away, and nor should it.


If the founders of Rangers had been as cynical as those who don't believe in the fans owning the club, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.


There wouldn't be a Rangers.


The ideal will become the reality, and then we'll wonder why it took us so long to make it so. Ten years after it happens, no-one will publicly admit to being against it.

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Zappa, an opportunity was missed to own the club, and it's a long and boring story that probably doesn't need to be rehashed now, but the ideal hasn't gone away, and nor should it.


If the founders of Rangers had been as cynical as those who don't believe in the fans owning the club, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.


There wouldn't be a Rangers.


The ideal will become the reality, and then we'll wonder why it took us so long to make it so. Ten years after it happens, no-one will publicly admit to being against it.


Hildy, that's wonderful news.


Tell everyone else not to get their hopes up.

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