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Green is away, Stockbridge has no bonus this year. What other board members are earning a wage which concerns you?


Stockbridge is still earning a FD's salary, and yet Wallace saw fit to bring in Phillip Nash as a consultant to oversee the cost cutting (which would be within the remit of any competent financial director!) If he was able to do the job for which he is employed, there would be no need for a consultant.

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Stockbridge is still earning a FD's salary, and yet Wallace saw fit to bring in Phillip Nash as a consultant to oversee the cost cutting (which would be within the remit of any competent financial director!) If he was able to do the job for which he is employed, there would be no need for a consultant.


How much are we paying Nash? And is the problem just one employee? From the whole board being targeted initially, we are now down to one man. Not bad considering we are paying a near whole squad of imposters.

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I had never heard of the word somesuch until you started using it. It would seem it is in the Urban dictionary but not the English dictionary. I don't mean to criticise your English but the word somesuch just seems so alien to me. Your English is a million light years better than my German, although I am trying to close the gap.:) Your English is possibly better than my English as well and it may be me that is wrong.

Maybe I am just an oldie not up with the modern terms.


"Somesuch" ... heard that while studying at Keele University (some aeons ago), used instead of "the like", "suchlike" or "like that". Then again,I'm not shy of finding new words either, such as the "Disfunctional Reality Perception syndrome", which is well attested amongst our "friends" from beyond the Clyde.

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It's said Richard Hughes has been selling.


Mr Zeus Capital dumping the Rangers stock he paid nothing for while it's still worth something? The identity of the buyer should be interesting.

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Mr Zeus Capital dumping the Rangers stock he paid nothing for while it's still worth something? The identity of the buyer should be interesting.


Easdales? Could be that they already have the voting rights which have been disclosed and therefore no further disclosure is required? Don't know how these things work.

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Easdales? Could be that they already have the voting rights which have been disclosed and therefore no further disclosure is required? Don't know how these things work.


I hope it's not them, but you'd have to guess it'll either be them or Laxey buying the shares. Not sure how the disclosure requirements would work if it's the Easdales and they already had the voting rights.

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It's said Richard Hughes has been selling.


That's confirmed in the Stock Exchange Announcement on the other thread; zero balance now.


Also see this comment in the discussion board.


Richard Hughes of Zeus Capital was one of the original Spivs who got his 2.2M shares for £0.01p each. The RNS messages states that his holding is now 0, hence he has sold the lot. We don't know who the buyer is though.

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