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How are the Whyte/HMRC investigations going?

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I suspect both investigations are akin to our prize monies for securing runners-up in the SPL 2011-2012 season. A satisfactory explanation will NEVER be offered. Similarly, HMRC and Whyte were useful tools a couple of years past, any conclusions would be inconvenient.


It's George Galloway's favourite retort, 'the caravan has moved on, all that remains are dying embers and barking dogs'.

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Does it matter if the Second Tier agree with Heidi Hoop?


I suppose Mackenzie might come gambolling out of his kennel to have another go.


It only matters from an academic point of view, but I still hope it goes our way because our detractors will use a successful appeal to justify their previous antagonism.


It seems like total crap to me though, since (as far as I can gather) HMRC can keep appealing until they win (keep rolling until they get a 6) whereas, if we (or our oldco, I should say) lose no-one will be in a position to fork out the cost of an appeal.

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The HMRC appeal is scheduled for some time this year.


Not sure about the Whyte investigations, but in the case against Gary Withey and Collier Bristow a full trial is scheduled for January 2015, so that gives an indication of the timescales involved. The various investigations and trials will likely take years.

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