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Le Guen is off ( From source )

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Come to think of it, could we be left in a situation where Fergie gets sold and then PLG resigns/is sacked a few weeks or months later? Its a massive gamble for PLG and looking at the support for Fergie yesterday, I think unless we go on a long winning run, this decision could be the end of him. Its the perfect excuse for supporters to call for him to leave.

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Come to think of it, could we be left in a situation where Fergie gets sold and then PLG resigns/is sacked a few weeks or months later? Its a massive gamble for PLG and looking at the support for Fergie yesterday, I think unless we go on a long winning run, this decision could be the end of him. Its the perfect excuse for supporters to call for him to leave.


I said this yesterday Mike - we face the very real prospect of losing both of them - and that will help our club NOT ONE BIT.


I don't know though - PLG knows how highly regarded BF is amongst the fans so he knows that he would face extreme criticism over this - but if he wasn't going to be around for the longer term to try and turn the club round then why bother making that decision (and I don't buy the "working his ticket" argument).


I think PLG felt it was a necessary move for the club to move forward. What I would really like to see is BF knuckle down, tow the party line and try to win back the respect of PLG.


IF BF was refusing to follow tactics then he is WRONG - whether you agree with the managers tactics or not as a player you are there to carry them out to the exact request of the manager.

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The lack of a decent statement to give the club's side of the view is disappointing and isn't helping quell all this speculation and rumour. There's just so many unanswered questions and yet again we have no leadership from the top of our club.


From everything that's been said, I think that as things stand, Fergie will not play for us again. But for the beleaguered support, we really deserve to know what's going on and also some positive news. We really are in the shit at the moment, aren't we?!

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I can see where PLG might misunderstand BF,for instance if BF comes in at half time/fulltime and rips into the players, as you would expect from a Rangers captain, and PLG isn't used to this from a captain,then he maybe feels BF is trying to take over.

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Come to think of it, could we be left in a situation where Fergie gets sold and then PLG resigns/is sacked a few weeks or months later? Its a massive gamble for PLG and looking at the support for Fergie yesterday, I think unless we go on a long winning run, this decision could be the end of him. Its the perfect excuse for supporters to call for him to leave.


They were talking about this on the radio yesterday, saying that maybe Rangers should put him up for loan (Fergie, not PLG :D ) but surely in doing that it would be a no confidence vote in the manager as it would seem as if Rangers were protecting a valuable asset (Fergie!) just in case PLG doesn't work out ....... actually, it would give PLG the perfect excuse to leave saying his job was unworkable ..... and he of course can protect this poor 6 months of his reputation by blaming Barry for everything


How simple! :D

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They were talking about this on the radio yesterday, saying that maybe Rangers should put him up for loan (Fergie, not PLG :D ) but surely in doing that it would be a no confidence vote in the manager as it would seem as if Rangers were protecting a valuable asset (Fergie!) just in case PLG doesn't work out ....... actually, it would give PLG the perfect excuse to leave saying his job was unworkable ..... and he of course can protect this poor 6 months of his reputation by blaming Barry for everything


How simple! :D


There's been talk of a loan deal today, but that's a no-starter. If that happened then it would be seen as Fergie just waiting for PLG to leave.

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If BF goes to a club on loan then it is a sure sign that PLG will leave.


That scenario is non-workable and if anyone inside the club thinks it is then they are more stupid than I thought.

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