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Cops to probe Sheeps paedo chants at Tims

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FOOTIE cops are probing claims that twisted Aberdeen fans chanted vile paedophile jibes at Celtic supporters.

Louts were accused of mocking the infamous Jim Torbett sex abuse case, which rocked the Parkhead side’s Boys Club in the 1970s.


The sick songs were reported after the Dons faced Celtic in last month’s Scottish Cup clash at Parkhead A source said: “Cops received complaints about the Aberdeen fans’ chanting and are taking it very seriously. They’ve been in talks with the Crown Office for guidance.


“Celtic fans said some of the chants aimed at them were absolutely disgusting.


“The stadium is swamped with CCTV so it shouldn’t be hard for the police to single out who they are looking for.”


Officers from Police Scotland’s specialist Football Co-ordination Unit are leading the investigation into the February 8 match, when 3,000 travelling Reds fans saw their side win 2-1.


It comes after we told last month, left, how shocked bosses at Pittodrie called in detectives after receiving a threatening letter.


Just days earlier, Aberdeen fans threw coins and spat at Hoops gaffer Neil Lennon as he watched the Dons play St Johnstone at Tynecastle in the League Cup semi-final.


Ex-Hoops youth boss Torbett was convicted of abusing several youngsters who played for Celtic Boys Club.


His crimes became public in 1996 when former player Alan Brazil, now a radio broadcaster, revealed he was molested at the age of 13 at Torbett’s home in Sighthill, Glasgow. The beast was jailed for 2½ years in 1998.


Yesterday, FoCUS Chief Inspector Stephen McAllister said: “We urge fans to act responsibly during matches for everyone’s enjoyment and not be the minority that spoils things for everyone else.”


A Crown Office spokesman said: “Where the singing of a song is in a set of circumstances deemed offensive, individuals will be prosecuted accordingly.”


Aberdeen last night declined to comment on the probe.

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