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Given all the talk about share issues , proxies , who own what , who has proxies for whom , here is an up to date position , ( stands back to be shot down ) , this is from the Rangers International Football club site on shares , http://www.rangersinternationalfootballclub.com/share-information.



Sandy Easdale - owns 2,942,957 , proxies of 14,387,003 . This Includes all of BPH (4,000,000) and Margaritta 's 2,600,000 share holdings .

Laxley owns -8,292,957

Artemis -5,749,000

River & Mercantile -4,795,500

Hargreave Hale - 4,601,888

BPH - Proxied to Sandy Easdale -4,000,000

Miton Capital -3,143,857

Mike Ashley_3,000,000

Margaritta ,Proxied to Sandy Easdale ,2,600,000

Cazanoza Capital - No longer shown as having a reportableholding

Legal & General -No longer shown as having a reportable holding


Dont know what this means exactly

Currently, 16.24%+ of the Company’s Ordinary Shares are not in public hands. The Ordinary Shares are freely transferable and no Ordinary Shares are held in treasury.


+ Does not include the 14,387,003 Ordinary Share (representing 22.1% of the issued share capital of the Company) which Alexander Easdale has voting rights over pursuant to the terms of proxy agreements entered into with other shareholders.


Should also point out this was last updated on the official site at the end of Jan 2014

Edited by rbr
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I posted on another thread, this is from KJ.



@AMcKellar89 i was told this figure has been put to King's camp. For 25%.



OK, I know it's from twitter but a few interesting tweets from KJ.


@BMCRangersRants I was told a third party has made contact in last few days. Not verified yet but from a credible source.



@TheClumpany i could have worded it more clearly. I am told 6m could buy the entire easdale block of 25%.

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This from FF

Your right on it's own it is not but would it be enough to swing an EGM with the support of the fans groups shares and individual supporters shares?


If and when BPH and MH sell up, whoever gets their shares gets the club, that is what is being put to potential buyers/buyer.

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I posted on another thread, this is from KJ.



@AMcKellar89 i was told this figure has been put to King's camp. For 25%.



OK, I know it's from twitter but a few interesting tweets from KJ.


@BMCRangersRants I was told a third party has made contact in last few days. Not verified yet but from a credible source.



@TheClumpany i could have worded it more clearly. I am told 6m could buy the entire easdale block of 25%.


Is this a third party other than DK & his merry band of followers?

Who in their right mind would want to own Rangers the way so-called fans groups, unelected fans leaders and not to mention deep pockets dave is going on?

This lot want control of Rangers so long as others pay for it.

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It would be interesting to find out what other firms , the Easdales have proxies over , because his shares , BPH and Margarittas only add up to just over 14.5% , another 12% missing

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Is this a third party other than DK & his merry band of followers?

Who in their right mind would want to own Rangers the way so-called fans groups, unelected fans leaders and not to mention deep pockets dave is going on?

This lot want control of Rangers so long as others pay for it.


David Murray but the big question what part if any Manus Fullerton is playing?

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