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As forlan says, they've been briefing against Ally for a long time now. It might not be Wallace personally though. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the men running the Club from the shadows behind the curtains who are briefing against the manager via PR rats.

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The percentage of people not renewing because the football is shite, is traditionally very low. People will keep renewing as long as the manager is delivering titles, and horsing the ********. Obviously the internet is awash with the usual attention seekers, saying they wont, but they probably will in the end.


Our style of football, and choice of manager should be way down our list of priorities at the moment. It won't matter two fucks if we start playing like Barca, and the wages stop getting payed.


I say all that as someone who wanted Ally out the day he sat in a studio with Green, in London, and endorsed his share issue, and encouraged fans to part with money in a get rich scheme for the few. Wanting him out now because the football is rotten is laughable.

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The attendances during the 80s would indicate the football matters, before my time but it's well documented how bad the crowds were then. In my 11 years as a ST holder the numbers have gradually gone down as well.


Entertaining the fans always has to be a massive priority of a football club irrespective of other issues.

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