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Rangers investor urges Dave King to put his money where his mouth is

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A fan who pledged 1 million when we were in trouble while King was doing nothing but encouraging the rejection of our CVA


A fan who pledged a million, but only invested £500k and is now asking other wealthy fans to put their money where their mouth is?

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The reqs had around 30% at the AGM. Much higher than I thought they'd get. I then expected DK to acquire shares(especially with the low share price) like Laxey & Prior did. If he then took the 30% the reqs got and added to his shareholding DK might have got the board would almost certainly have been ousted or at least the writing would have been on the wall for them.

But he didn't and all we've had since is this constant sniping from the sidelines which is damaging the club. The time has now come for DK : put up or shut up.


I thought the reqs had closer to 40 than 30, but I'll bow to your probably better memory. Going by that, King would have needed at least 25% to gain the majority, which wouldn't even have been all his. There's no guarantee than some of the reqs backers would have stayed on board. Apart from that, was there even 25% of available shares to purchase, at a reasonable rate? Seems they are now asking around £6m for 25%. That's £6m less available for players, just so king can own 25%, which gives him little power, for which he would have to pay way over the odds for.


Whatever way you look at the maths, buying up shares just isn't going to happen. He's said several times he won't be doing this. This doesn't invalidate anything else he may be saying, or doing at the moment. People let you freely spout nonsense on a daily basis on here, without telling you to shut up. Why can't you allow a fellow fan the same privilege?

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A fan who pledged a million, but only invested £500k and is now asking other wealthy fans to put their money where their mouth is?


The poor guy got stiffed by green but his attempt to take money away from Rangers and into his pocket here is sickening.

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I think criticism of King is valid but I'm not sure in this case it's correct unless we know how much the guy wanted for his shares.


I'd also question MacKenzie's judgement when he applauds the likes of Ahmad and Stockbridge in particular.

I have only skim read it but where does he applaud them?

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The poor guy got stiffed by green


Aye, well 500 grand for 500,000 shares wasn't exactly a bargain, especially considering Green got 5 million shares for 50 grand.


There was a Scott MacKenzie (presumably Alan's brother?) who put in a further £25k at a £1 per share as well.

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The millionaires and indeed billionaires trying to take kings money away from Rangers and into there pockets upset me no end. The rangers fans cheerleading for them sicken me. I literally can not get my head round it.


In fairness to this chap MacKenzie, he might genuinely believe that he was doing Dave King and the Club a good turn by offering to sell his shares to King.

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