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the board need to find cash.


you cant starve rats out while there is still biscuits in the cupboard.


Maybe those boycotting because of the board could start supporting the club? 21000 missing renewals. That's £6m the club, Ally and our staff could really be doing with.

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Where on earth is Charlie's Champion??


Come on STB, where you at dude??? What's goin' on??


Just thinking the same. Can only assume he's wiping the ton of muck of his coupon upon hearing the news.

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Where on earth is Charlie's Champion??


Come on STB, where you at dude??? What's goin' on??

Hold on, I'll rewrite this just for dB. Grammar was all wrong!!


Hay mann, - STB felow. wear or you write now! i no you reely like charly. do you no wots gowing on! Weir al confoused:

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