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So, you see a house you really want to buy in your ideal location.


It needs a lot of work and was bought for just £5k at auction by a bunch of shady types who tried to paint over the cracks, but did a botched job.


You know they want £50k for it, but that you'll need to spend almost the same again to return it to its former glory.


The vendors are holding out for the full price, but you know that they don't want to live there themselves, that they don't want their money tied up in the place forever and that there is no other interest in the place.


What would you do Rab, just pay up because you can afford to?



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That sums up (is that an oxymoron? Does 0 + 0 = 0 constitute a 'sum'?) what you actually do know about the man. You have had the answer to every question you've ever asked about him answered by LOTS of people on this board. You ignore all responses every time.

Just answer 2 simple questions:

(1) Roughly - what do you estimate the value of his assets to be?

(2) Why did a judge describe him as "probably the richest man in SA"?


My guess is - "why has he not bought us then?".



1) no idea but nowhere near some of the figures quoted

2) he described him in other not so complimentary terms too as I recall. I think SARS just wanted a conclusion to the case


I repeat - if DK has the wealth he is alleged to have then what is now stopping him buying Rangers ? No more excuses please about lining shareholders pockets. Put up or shut up please


Is that the best you can come up with? Seriously?


In your answer (1) you state "No idea" then go on to tell us that the previous widely quoted are inaccurate. :wtf:

In your answer (2) you give the reason for the judge describing him as the richest man in SA - "I think SARS just wanted a conclusion to the case" :wtf: And that would bring it to a conclusion how? And for your information SARS were the last ones trying to bring it to a speedy conclusion. It was them who turned it into a war of attrition. So wrong again.


Then you went on to respond exactly in the way I predicted - "Why doesn't he buy us now then"? Which has been explained to you a million times. As I say - tedious, and factually utter bollocks as well.

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King is completely irrelevant and best forgotten about.

There's far more effort applied to arguments on here than there is such effort applied by him to buy into us.


I'm willing to have a wager on that one.

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Until King replaces his words with actions then he is completely irrelevant


On that basis everyone is this situation is irrelevant then. I don't see anybody matching words with action at the moment. You literally have NO idea (nor do I) what he is working on behind the scenes at the moment. Another complete guess on your part.

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