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The whole damn episode needs investigating from how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers through to the CVA being refused. Stinks to the high heavens IMO


Of course it does but no one cares enough to do anything about it. And i mean no one with enough or indeed any power to make a difference. They got away with it.

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They knew they'd no chance of a CVA with HMRC? I seem to recall them at the time saying they were in contact with HMRC on a daily basis. What on earth were they discussing then ? Are they suggesting that during these discussions they never once discussed the fact they weren't getting a CVA? Or was someone in HMRC told by some outside anti-rangers influence to refuse Rangers the CVA at a late stage in the day?


D&P ran Rangers cash book, I'm sure the BDO report will mention that.


D&P were there all through Whyte's tenure it's inconceivable that they were unaware that PAYE and NIC's weren't being paid.

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Of course it does but no one cares enough to do anything about it. And i mean no one with enough or indeed any power to make a difference. They got away with it.
Exactly this. The only people who could make any worthwhile inquiry happen are the same people who beat us to a pulp. There is no genuine desire or will within the MSM for answers. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth by us on the interweb will not change that one iota.


We have been had!!

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