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Do we really need minutes of everything , surely trust must come into it somewhere . In saying that I don't come from a works background where minutes are the norm

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Do we really need minutes of everything , surely trust must come into it somewhere . In saying that I don't come from a works background where minutes are the norm


It's my opinion that it should be as open and transparent as possible especially when dealing with other people's money/shares etc and in the current climate surrounding the Club.


At the beginning I called for regular updates on number of members, number of life members, amount being raised etc but so far as I know that has never been made public (well perhpas once that I can remember). They were going to put a membership ticker on the web site but that hasn't appeared.


There shouldn't be any reason why they can't disclose membership numbers at least monthly.


Also and perhaps more importantly I seem to recall "a General Meeting and full elections" were promised "within 60 to 90 days" which period has certainly expired and looking at the Forum it seems that they are only now beginning to think about consulting on that.


It's all very well having grandiose schemes for a Rangers Senate but you need to get your own governance in order first.

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Oh give me peace , transparency , where does this end


I'd rather not get involved in this stuff, but in all fairness, transparency was actually one of the main buzz words used when RF were starting up and campaigning for contributions.

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I don't have any problems with the current information levels. Any assumptions I have felt the need to ask have been answered. These guys are volunteers for God's sake , cut them some slack. But that's just my opinion

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I'd rather not get involved in this stuff, but in all fairness, transparency was actually one of the main buzz words used when RF were starting up and campaigning for contributions.


I thought we would get a warning to stay on topic and had my defence all ready :facepalm:


But you're right, apart from the recent poll there's only been 2 email updates in more than 3 months and as I said no Minutes of the Steering Group Meetings assuming they are taking Minutes.


That's not good enough from a fans' organisation taking in £10,000+ a month.

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I don't have any problems with the current information levels. Any assumptions I have felt the need to ask have been answered. These guys are volunteers for God's sake , cut them some slack. But that's just my opinion


Yes they are but it wouldn't be difficult to publish Minutes on the web site as happened for the original meetings up to end March.

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