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Did they forget the tie, pre, half time (Cowdenbeath Cheeseburger and Mars bar) and after match hospitality?


If you don't ask, you don't get.


Just make sure you get a 100% bonus when you resign. :cool:

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In an age where there is growing disaffection with the 'Westminster elite', and not just from within Scotland, and when it is widely believed that a political disconnect is occurring throughout the country, Rangers, a club not noted for being enlightened in any way, shape or form, sets up its own forum, and with people being required to fit into particular categories before standing for election, and at its first meeting, what does it suggest?


We are the people. We are the chosen ones. We are official. We are the centre of the Rangers fans' world.


The tone from this boss's union stinks after just one meeting. It is sometimes said that the Rangers support is stuck in 1690, and while this is a tad unfair, this new forum certainly sounds as though it belongs to another era - an era of rotten boroughs.

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do we have to have irrelevant questions like the one about the Livingston program that's the least of rangers problems a blinkin program .

An official publication of a Scottish football club said that you support a club that no longer exists.


Just ignore it?

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I can only speak for myself but I have answered or raised every point that has been put to me so far and duly slaughtered for some of them.


But surely you expected that when putting yourself up for it? That goes with the territory of being a rep on the RFB. ;)

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