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the facts .what happened to bomber yesterday

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Having seen Brown's behaviour at the fans meeting in the Ibrox suite a couple of years ago, I'm not surprised he isn't allowed into the directors' box.


Must have been something beyond criminal if it debars him from the same seating area as the Easdales

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Is it possible that ally pulled that stunt to piss off his bosses further to try and force a settlement. It did kinda send out a signal he was not exactly 100% onboard...lol


Quite possibly but if it wasn't his intent it was a stupid thing to do and certainly sent out the message loud and clear.

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Not sure if you can buy tickets for the Directors Box per se but there's certainly hospitality in place for that area of the ground. It may well be by invite only and clearly some invites requests may be approved or not.


Personally I'm surprised a former player wasn't made to feel welcome but I'm not sure why Bomber would want to sit there anyway.


You certainly can't buy a ticket to sit in then Director's Box at Ibrox and I doubt if you can do that elsewhere.


I have been privileged to have been invited to meet Directors and sit in the Director's Box at two other grounds both of which had private hospitality areas with stewards on the door armed with a list of invitees.

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So the only difference is you were duly elected ? You said you would hold this Board to task and they have much to be called to task over. So you would have been made unwelcome too.


Wait a second though..... if the Easdales/the Board can refuse entry to someone who is a critic just how successful are we to believe the RFB will be if and when they have challenging questions for the Easdales/Board ?


Not the ONLY difference, Craig, he was a football player, I couldn't kick a ball to save myself, so became a referee.


Also, I would venture to suggest that I have a somewhat greater command of the English language; of course that may be a matter of opinion.


As to your second point; I think you have the answer to that in the Minutes of the Second Meeting.

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BH was the victim of puerile inter-fan rivalry rather than boardroom machinations - the minutes released so far are clear that the board don't give a monkey's about the RFB, let alone who's on it.


That may well have been true.

Edited by BrahimHemdani
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