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John Brown issues rallying call to ex-Rangers stars to join him in new Ibrox protest

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06:00, 12 February 2015

By Keith Jackson


THREE years on from his impromptu public address against the then Charles Green-led regime at Ibrox, Brown is set to return to the stadium's front doors ahead of tomorrow's clash with Hibs.


IT was depicted at the time as the day John Brown howled at the moon. A meltdown of colossal proportions on the front steps of Ibrox.


Even now, almost three years on from that impromptu public address, this unforgiving image endures. Brown may well be stuck with it for life.


However, he will be back on those same steps tomorrow night and this time he will be able to scream at the watching world: “I told you so.”


Yes, the delivery may have been a bit unpolished. And some of the language used was verging on industrial.


But, most important of all, the message Brown delivered on that fateful day has also stood the test of time. Deep down in his gut he knew his club was about to get turned over. He had rumbled Charles Green. And since that summer’s day in June 2012, the longer Rangers have been ravaged from the inside, the more Brown has been vindicated.


Which is why he hopes old team-mates and fellow former players from all eras will join him outside the stadium’s front doors ahead of tomorrow’s Championship clash with Hibs so that they might finally all speak with one voice. United against a board which Brown believes is on the verge of killing this club for good.


In an exclusive interview with Record Sport, Brown said: “I would say to any ex-player that, together, we have a responsibility to that club. We had some of the greatest moments of our lives playing football for Rangers and now it’s time for us to give something back.


“The least we can do is jump in a taxi and get over to Ibrox for an hour or so on Friday night. That’s all it takes. Just being there will say everything. It will send out a very loud message.


“Everyone can see that the club is being mismanaged by this present board, as it was by previous directors. Look at what they have done to the club, look at the amount of money that has disappeared. These people have not been proper guardians of the club.


“As ex-players we have to let them know how we feel about that. We were lucky enough to wear the jersey and some of us were local lads who grew up dreaming of being Rangers players. Our kids grew up knowing that they were part of that same family.


“Well now we have to do something about saving it. Any ex-player who can get to Ibrox on Friday should make a point of doing it. We have to do our bit to get the club back in safe hands because if this board stays in charge it is doomed.”


Yes, Brown still smarts from the public roasting he received in the days, weeks and months after that speech on the street outside Ibrox. There’s no doubt he was damaged by some of it.


And yet, all the time, the crisis inside the stadium – the very horror story he was predicting – has been deepening.


Brown said: “It is about time that more former players stood up to do the right thing for the club. Over the last three years not enough of us have stood up to be counted and I suspect that’s mostly because they didn’t really know what was going on behind the scenes. It was a bit different for me. From the very early days of Charles Green’s takeover I was privy to a fair bit of information and that’s why I was prepared to put myself out there.


“But everyone can see the truth for themselves now – our football club is on a life-support machine – and we have to do something to save it.


“That is why I am asking all ex-players, ex-staff, coaches and even managers to get down to Ibrox on Friday and join the protest at the front doors. Don’t be sitting in your living rooms, get yourselves down there and make your feelings known.


“Let’s show this board that everyone has had enough and that it’s time for them to give the club back to proper people because it is on a life-support machine and it’s not going to last much longer.”


And Brown says there is no reason for former players to fear their own reputations could be shattered by joining him on the steps. He said: “That shouldn’t be the case because everyone can see what’s going on with their own eyes.


“Back then I sat in an office with a couple of people I knew I could trust who warned me what was going to happen. They told me every penny would be stripped out of the club and they were correct.


“That’s why I’m issuing this rallying call now. I’m not asking the ex-players to go to the game, I’m just asking them to turn up, to be seen and to let it be known that they agree with the protests. Just seeing these guys there in force would mean so much to the fans.


“There will be no problems and no threats. It will be a peaceful protest. The fans just want to express their feelings and I would say that, as former players, we will stand beside them.


“They could be former team-mates of mine, guys I looked up to when I was younger or some of the more recent players. We just need as many of them as possible. I know some ex-players who work inside the club in hospitality and they can’t come out and say how they feel because they work for the club. But, having spoken to them privately, I know a number of them feel the same way as myself. We’re getting close to the egm now on March 4 and it’s time as many of us as possible make our voices heard.”


Brown also backed the Daily Record for exposing the issues which have dragged Rangers back to the brink – and which have led to our journalists being blacklisted from Ibrox and Murray Park.


He said: “Banning the Record was just another ridiculous and petty act by the board. It shows they don’t like being told the truth. The Record has done a fantastic job of getting the truth out there and letting the Rangers fans know what’s happening inside their club.


“I was also banned from the directors’ box for trying to get the truth out there because they didn’t like it. I’m not banned from the stadium – I don’t think anyone could stop me – but I’m not going to pay money to get in while they are in charge.


“For three years now all sorts of characters have been milking the club and it must stop now.”



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“They could be former team-mates of mine, guys I looked up to when I was younger or some of the more recent players. We just need as many of them as possible. I know some ex-players who work inside the club in hospitality and they can’t come out and say how they feel because they work for the club. But, having spoken to them privately, I know a number of them feel the same way as myself. We’re getting close to the egm now on March 4 and it’s time as many of us as possible make our voices heard.”


I disagree, these are the ones who should be protesting.

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While Bomber has been anti-board longer than just about anyone, it was for the wrong reasons. His consistent "show me the title deeds" nonsense done him no favours and was frankly utterly embarrassing. For him to say "I told you so" is totally wrong as the title deeds were never in anyones hands but the clubs. For all the various boards since Whyte have done wrong, too many to list here, the title deeds was not one of them.


But for today, I totally agree with Bomber calling out his former colleagues to up the pressure on the current board/owners and hope he manages to persuade/embarrass a lot of them to finally step up and condemn the charlatans in charge.

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Bomber's heart has always been in the right place. Yet still our own fans are having a go at him.


Utterly pathetic.


If only more were like him from day 1 we may not have been taken so far down this road.

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Bomber's heart has always been in the right place. Yet still our own fans are having a go at him.


Utterly pathetic.


Ally McCoist's heart has always been in the right place as well, but it doesn't mean he, or any other bluenoses, should be immune from criticism if they deserve it.

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We'll soon see who the real Rangers men are and who are the shitebags.


Never has there been a more critical time for our club. This is no time for selfish agenda's.


To these ex-players, managers - If you care, then show your support. If not, never set foot near Ibrox again !!

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Ally McCoist's heart has always been in the right place as well, but it doesn't mean he, or any other bluenoses, should be immune from criticism if they deserve it.


What about the hysteria of criticism when they don't deserve it? I think that's the point.

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Ally McCoist's heart has always been in the right place as well, but it doesn't mean he, or any other bluenoses, should be immune from criticism if they deserve it.


Ally was the manager, and gave us some absolute baffling decisions so the two can't be compared.


But I recall Bomber getting abuse online and remarks of him being an alcoholic at the time he stood on the steps, so if anyone has a right to stand up tomorrow and say "I told you so" then IMO it's him.


By all means criticise his the manner in which he may approach some things but surely nobody can criticise his motives or his heart.

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Ally was the manager, and gave us some absolute baffling decisions so the two can't be compared.


But I recall Bomber getting abuse online and remarks of him being an alcoholic at the time he stood on the steps, so if anyone has a right to stand up tomorrow and say "I told you so" then IMO it's him.


By all means criticise his the manner in which he may approach some things but surely nobody can criticise his motives or his heart.


I've got no idea about Brown's drinking habits, but he did deserve criticism for plenty of things around the time of him standing on the steps as highlighted by TB above and backing a Celtic fan's plans to buy the club and for disrupting and trying to take over a supporters meeting with the directors.


His motives and his heart may be in the right place but so were Ally's, which is my point. Brown's actions are open for criticism.


What about the hysteria of criticism when they don't deserve it? I think that's the point.


If people want to criticise hysteria such as JTP's alcoholic example then that's fair enough but that shouldn't take away from what is valid criticism in my opinion that is deserved.

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