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Chris Graham Twitter problem

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With this mornings DR headline about the Neil Lennon bomber guy, basically any bad news for Rangers is good news for these bastards. Shows up Paul murray attempts to toadie up to them as futile as they WILL fuck us over at any opportunity. Message to the Board. The fans don't want any cooperation or favour shown to DR and BBC etc. With Internet who needs them anyway? ?


Certainly seems to be all out war on the new regime's association with high profile fans. Big test of Paul Murray's mettle ahead.


Some criticism of CG may be fair but it comes from hypocrites & mischief-makers so has minimal merit. Club reaction should be low-key.

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Certainly seems to be all out war on the new regime's association with high profile fans. Big test of Paul Murray's mettle ahead.


Some criticism of CG may be fair but it comes from hypocrites & mischief-makers so has minimal merit. Club reaction should be low-key.

I hope they do let it ride out. Take the Guidetti Hun song story last week. It's died a death, but having said that I think they will keep the pot boiling longer on any rangers misfortunes..

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I hope they do let it ride out. Take the Guidetti Hun song story last week. It's died a death, but having said that I think they will keep the pot boiling longer on any rangers misfortunes..
Shows them up. Players sings sectarian song gets a small mention on page 7. Fan put on board tweets a pic to a terrorist front page news.
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Is Chris Graham getting some 'payback' for his stance towards many in the media? Undoubtedly in my opinion. When you've been as strident as he's been about reporting standards and quality you set yourself up as a target. There's revenge at play here and those who offered him the position should have seen that coming.


However that doesn't make this story on him wrong. It was an insane thing to 'tweet' and demonstrates a staggering lack of judgement, that alone should throw a question over his new role. Every right thinking person was horrified and disgusted by the Charlie Hebdo attacks but most of us didn't choose to draw something crude and deliberately provocative and send it to a Muslim cleric, whatever our view of his 'beliefs'.


There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority of who would have found that drawing deeply offensive, that after all was its aim. It's all very well championing freedom of speech but that doesn't take away personal responsibility. Had someone drawn a crude cartoon deliberately mocking the Ibrox disaster how would we feel if two months later that person was made a director of a senior football club? I've a feeling we wouldn't be defending his freedom of expression.


I've no idea what Chris Graham's views are on Islam and I'd have little difficulty accepting this was a knee-jerk reaction done in the heat of the moment and with perspective he might now regret it. But he needs to say that and see what the fall out is. Either way if (and I think it highly likely) an intelligent and reasonable muslim commentator criticises him for this he'll come under huge pressure to step down.

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While I would not condone tweeting such things, my ire is directed at James Cook who has been completely irresponsible in his actions of putting this in the public domain at this time. In the words of fellow journalist, Gerry Mcculloch "revenge is a dish best served cold".


In the context of the time, the words of Tom English " The Charlie Hebdo cartoons in the world's media today are wonderful. Funny, sad, poignant and defiant. Just brilliant." Admittedly, I can't remember the actual cartoons in the immediate aftermath but can remember the depth of feeling at the atrocity and the defence of freedom of speech. This is the context in which Chris tweeted, inadvisedly in my opinion.


It is very difficult to remain even handed when there is no parity with the treatment of other clubs. We are always at the centre of these media controversies while the actions of others are ignored. It is no longer acceptable for me to have my club as the whipping boys of Scottish football. The events of the last few years have opened my eyes to that.

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An early indication that the media are going to continue with their all-out war against our club. This is an earlier than expected test for our new board and level 5 to see how we are going to deal with the media attacking our club.


Chris Graham took on all journalists over social media and it was inevitable that some of his language and tweets would come back to haunt him at some point, given the lift in profile his appointment as Director has given him, unexpectedly i'm sure. I am quite certain that unless this is dealt with positively and proactively by our board and PR company, there will be many more examples where his tweets can be deemed offensive by the permanently-offended brigade, and the trickle effect will take away time and efforts from what we are wanting our board and PR company to be doing for us, which is exactly what our enemies want us to do.


This is why this is so important that our board act positively and decisively, we cannot ignore this as and we cannot fudge it, we must retaliate immediately and aggressively with a properly worded statement that not only deals with today's anti-Rangers story, but also tomorrows that will come if this is not dealt with correctly.


Also a reminder to our fans that there are NO newspapers worthy of our shilling and they should be avoided entirely. There are enough news outlets online to get your fix from on an hourly basis, never mind daily, and I cannot see why anyone would ever buy a newspaper again. I have not purchased a newspaper for over a decade and while I might miss out on the wee funny stories about mis-shaped veg, or some of the drier economic analysis that can be useful, it is a small price to pay to show my dissatisfaction at how we are treated by these TWATs.

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We have film footage of the then Sellik Chairman, Brian Quinn on stage at the Clanree Hotel in Donegal; he is clapping his hands and singing a song lionising PIRA. Accompanying him are the then Sellik players, Pearson and Hartson, going at it with gusto. No news source would touch it, eventually the Aberdeen based P and J broke ranks, and the maelstrom ensued, or did it? A three line whip was imposed, no calls, no discussion, no amplification. A couple of days later, Peter Lawwell pulled the plug, "thirty pounds of software".


That line, "thirty pounds of software" was the lifebelt needed for many to hold on to, as the good ship, 'Sellik' was safely navigated into calmer waters.


The above is what Stuart Cosgrove labels, "whataboutery". It's a principle that Stuart only applies to Rangers and Rangers supporters because whataboutery is often awkward and inconvenient to his argument. Further, Cosgrove has stated that the RST should not get involved in making statements, better confined to achieving fans' representation. The constraints applied to Rangers supporters grows, denied usage of words, parameters on involvement, and we should always be mindful of whataboutery.


James Cook's revenge, and that is what this is because Gerry McCulloch has told us so, will result in lots of high fiving and synchronised sniggering at Pacific Quay if the new Board bends. Meanwhile, Chris Graham should subject himself to a penny lecture on DISCIPLINE.

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This is insane. Charlie Hebdo was apparently attacked for drawing the Prophet. People died. Other people, including our governments & journalists march for Je Suis Charlie & freedom of speech. Chris retweeted a photo, depicting the Prophet. At worst it is crass.

Some of those howling about Chris, want Clarkson back on Top Gear. The proven racist, misogynistic Clarkson, after he has allegedly physically assaulted someone. The hypocrisy at play here is quite incredible.


That's it.


This is a witch hunt.

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If you want to circulate these claims then I think it would be a good idea to actually provide links to, or screenshots of, said behaviour.


I don't follow his tweets closely enough to know if any of this is true. The part highlighted in bold would certainly be the opposite of what I have noticed him say about fans who continue to attend.


Part of what I quoted was from an email I received referring to posts that were published on FB and elsewhere but I couldn't get the link; other than that I accept what you say.

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