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Supporters Consultation Group Minutes

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Why have the club not canvassed the st holders on this? These groups present have all answered without asking one single members opinion. How do they know their members think its a good idea? Seems like the opinion of those in control not the members.


The fans should be asked to decide if we want these groups continuing to state they talk for the fans.Not the people who have something to lose or gain.For me there should be a strong distinction from talking for members from talking for rangers fans. Its like stating you talk for white people because all 2000 ofyour members are white.

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These groups present have all answered without asking one single members opinion. How do they know their members think its a good idea? Seems like the opinion of those in control not the members.


It was only an initial discussion about an idea. A detailed proposal hasn't even been created yet. The RST started polling their members as soon as the minutes of the meeting were released today and RF have been inviting their members to leave comments and questions on the subject.

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It was only an initial discussion about an idea. A detailed proposal hasn't even been created yet. The RST started polling their members as soon as the minutes of the meeting were released today and RF have been inviting their members to leave comments and questions on the subject.
they can't take part in a discussion. They should only be a conduit to pass idea from club to member. To be in a discussion you must have a position. They are neither there to have an opinion or pass one.Any spokesman must be seen as opinion less.


To take part in a discussion they would first need to have known parameters from their members.


The only comment should be we will pass this on to our members and get back to you especially when being made public. What they have done is to give the impression to the club that initial feeling was positive with room to take the idea forward.


Until this is learned the majority of the support will continue to mistrust and perceive their actions as being of a personal agenda or opinion pushing.

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