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For it is oldco but it is beautiful

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McCoist's legacy is perhaps best summed up by the 19 players who exited this summer, providing the club with a grand total of ZERO in return. He was an absolute failure who cost us a fortune both in terms of signing woeful players and the obscene wages he pocketed. He was just another incompetent taking a fortune out of the club that he did nothing to deserve - a complete and utter disaster in every sense of the word.


If ever I find myself doubting my convictions I stop and think 'what would Ser Barriston Selmy say on this' and as long as it's the opposite of me then I know I'm on firm ground. I don't expect you to understand, there's no room for shades of grey in the black and white world you seem to inhabit.

You still ranting against our manager buying English players or have you moved on to some new level of wrongness yet?

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In the eyes of many the issue wasn't his qualities as a manager - I'd agree he was a fantastic focal point during our lowest ebbs - but his acceptance of penny shares and extended paid leave doesn't sit well with many fans.


Now, we certainly don't know the whole story when it comes to the financial side of Ally's tenure and it maybe we won't until all the court cases play out. Unfortunately, until such a time as Ally opens up on this, his reputation has been spoilt to a degree.


I don't believe for a second Andrew McCormick hasn't made Ally aware of the bad feeling surrounding the above and I don't believe for a second Ally considers any of the money involved all that important either.


Oh I think he's made mistakes, I just think that in the passing of time we might look back and think we were actually very lucky to have a manager who was a strong character and had currency with both the media and the support that the directors didn't. His reputation has been tarnished, without a doubt, but in time I think we might view this period differently. It's terrifying to think what might have happened had our manager been someone Green or Ahmed appointed.

It's not a perfect analogy but Churchill was a terrible politician and an even worse Prime Minister in peacetime, but we were lucky to have him during the WW2.

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Oh I think he's made mistakes, I just think that in the passing of time we might look back and think we were actually very lucky to have a manager who was a strong character and had currency with both the media and the support that the directors didn't. His reputation has been tarnished, without a doubt, but in time I think we might view this period differently. It's terrifying to think what might have happened had our manager been someone Green or Ahmed appointed.

It's not a perfect analogy but Churchill was a terrible politician and an even worse Prime Minister in peacetime, but we were lucky to have him during the WW2.


McCoist was either complicit in the frauds that were occurring during his management or he was just thick?

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