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Keith Jackson - It's all gone strangely quiet on the £5m loan front...

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No Old Firm games at weekend so he has to write something to earn his wages pity it's just his usual anti Rangers drivel.


KJ doesn't write "anti-Rangers drivel", at least not all of the time.


As a senior tabloid hack in Glasgow he has to occasionally stoke up controversy on both sides. He does so deliberately and for commercial reasons as the fans on both sides nearly always take the bait.


Over the piece during the Rangers saga KJ has been as close as any pro-fitbaw hack to what has been going on and has if anything generally been on the side of those who were seeking regime change. This output source helped counter the toxic mediahouse led BS that came from elsewhere.


Today he may have been better to write about the onfield game and regards the Rangers saga, waited until he had something more definite to say or at least less speculative.



Another pro-hack who has featured little but when he has, he has always had something fairly relevant or important to say is Roddy Forsyth of The Telegraph.

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Its abundantly clear from that article & his responses to me on twitter in relation to it, that the Scottish Pres Corps dont do serious inward reflection. How they can suggest we should have handled it better is beyond me. Ask a direct question - receive an unequivocal answer and then proceed to ask the same question, in a round about way, time and time and time again.

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