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Tom English...nothing to hear here.

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Away with ye. I'm hardly deflecting for him. In dB's post, English clearly says that the singing of roll of honor is cringe-making. How the hell that can be worked out to be a ringing endorsement of it is beyond all logic.


Call English out as often as you like because he certainly gives plenty of opportunity..... But in the Tweet dB references he isn't doing any such thing.


I dislike him as much as the next Bear



If you think that about English, why would you think that he is honourably disparaging the C1888c support?

Remember, Adams has repeatedly told us that he has nothing to do with the I.R.A.

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If you think that about English, why would you think that he is honourably disparaging the C1888c support?

Remember, Adams has repeatedly told us that he has nothing to do with the I.R.A.

What is the relevance of the Adams reference ?


Regarding English, he clearly says that the Celtic chants were embarrassing.... On this occasion that is hardly giving them a ringing endorsement. On this occasion.....


Just a because you look for something doesn't mean it is there....


Do I believe his tweets last week about not watching the Celtic game and not hearing their chanting because he was watching the Leicester game instead ? Absolutely not. I'm sure he heard it and used another game as an excuse not to vilify it. But in this instance he did tweet and did say it was embarrassing. Little comfort, but at least he wasn't denying seeing it.


To be honest, I would prefer to not even talk about him, he's a poor journalist who has jumped on the anti-Rangers bandwagon for personal gain. Where has the journalistic integrity of reporters gone ???


What we would do for an Archie McPherson or Arthur Montford in this day and age :(

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Away with ye. I'm hardly deflecting for him. In dB's post, English clearly says that the singing of roll of honor is cringe-making. How the hell that can be worked out to be a ringing endorsement of it is beyond all logic.


I really don't get you, you seem to be implying dB said it was a ringing endorsement - maybe it's me but I can't find that reference.


You also seem to be completely missing the point that English's only defined criticism of the song in his tweat is that it is a "dirge". No mention of it being a terrorist song which in the context of his attacks on Rangers, and his own staunch defence of his impartiality and integrity, is a pretty nefarious lie by ommission.


For me that was the point dB was making - that contrary to what you'd expect he does actually occassionaly mention Celtic stuff, BUT when doing so, shamelessly diverts people's attention from the real issue.

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