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Rangers First board election: Gersnet's voting poll...

Gersnet voting for the new Rangers First board.  

210 members have voted

  1. 1. Gersnet voting for the new Rangers First board.

    • Candidate 1 : Peter Ewart
    • Candidate 2 : Alan Harris
    • Candidate 3 : Ronnie Johnston
    • Candidate 4 : Brian Bowman
    • Candidate 5 : Derek Miller
    • Candidate 6 : Graham Campbell
    • Candidate 7 : Ricki Neill
    • Candidate 8 : Chris Smith
    • Candidate 9 : Brian Donohoe exMP
    • Candidate 10 : Iain Martin
    • Candidate 11 : Andy McLintock (WITHDRAWN)
    • Candidate 12 : Richard Scott BA
    • Candidate 13 : James Blair
    • Candidate 14 : Greg Marshall
    • Candidate 15 : Kelly Johnstone
    • Candidate 16 : Adam Campbell
    • Candidate 17 : Ryan Thomson
    • Candidate 18 : Stuart MacQuarrie
    • Candidate 19 : Marc Alexander
    • Candidate 20 : Graeme Henderson
    • Candidate 21 : Richard Gough
    • Candidate 22 : Darren Thomson
    • Candidate 23 : Calvin Campbell

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I agree completely with Tannochsidebear. I'm not really interested in a merger -- or at least not at the moment. For me, the most important thing is for the fans to have as many shares as possible. I agree that this is probably best served by both groups remaining separate.


Perhaps, when the fans have a decent shareholding (50%+), then there can be talk of a merger. The focus will have shifted to a more political role -- something RST seem to do well.

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It's the club that's pushing for a merger of all the fans groups, it's just that the RF and RST have the most members and probably where the most interest is?


Evryone pulling in the same direction would be the best possible idea, the only worry would be this new Joint Group independence. I know some of the candidates in the RF vote are saying "it will be independent" but there is independence and independence with a covert interference by the board, through friendly members on the joint board.


I'm not saying that is the case in this matter, but anyone who has ever worked on a committee or board know there is always outside interference and agenda's at work .


I think they call it "Lobbying" in american polotics, where big business have access to politicians who work for big business agenda in legislation.

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When the list came out I had a very quick scan read of the candidates profiles and statements and thought I would go back to it later in the process when more was known.


What has happened since has been very very sad indeed. Are some candidates there on behalf of the club? Are some there to push through a merger with RST/RSA? Are some there to push for not merging with RST/RSA?


Is anyone actually standing as a Rangers supporter who believes in the concept of RF, a share purchase vehicle to get as many shares into the hands of ordinary bears as possible, to protect our club from ever again being at the mercy of mercenary owners?


I am a member of both RST (have been since the start in 2003) and pay into the £11.25pm Share purchase plan, and RF on the £18.72 monthly contribution. It is my belief that I want as many shares in the hands of ordinary Bears as possible. I really dont want the RST to merge with RF as I think there is a place for both to do quite separate things on behalf of their members, and also there may be times when it is good to keep them apart. As both have several thousand paying members, I am sure there are a large number of bears that are members of both. Merging this will probably mean less money going into buying shares as what would be the point of me continuing to pay both £11.25 and £18.72 per month to the same organisation?


I am also struggling with casting a vote in favour of what I see as "Club men" like Gough and McQuarrie. On one hand it would give RF some clout to say they have these names on the board and would be easy to get media attention. However the whole point of RF was to stay away from the more confrontational and controversial issues of the day and just be a share purchase vehicle, so it shouldnt need to attract media attention other than to try to persuade more Bears to join with them and help build the fans shareholding. On the other hand the RST has always been more active, vocal, controversial, and unafraid to criticise the board of the day or the footballing authorities without the need to have "celebrity bears" to get their message out. Long may that continue, but the polarising nature of their work has meant that for some fans the RST will not be an option to contribute to, so are we going to lose those contributions to RF if a merger goes through.


I haven't got a clue who to vote for. I know some I wont vote for. That list has got gradually longer as the process has gone on. I will probably end up not voting at all. Its all very sad.


Terrific post.


Mergers are fine. And I think we all would like unity. But unity need not mean one single organization. A different vehicle for different means.


Share ownership - this could potentially be a single vehicle aimed at simply increasing the shareholding of the fans

Fan voice - this is where you have the vocal part of the fanbase - the part of the fanbase which holds the Club, and others such as the media, accountable for their actions.


You can STILL have unity whilst having more than one entity - why ? Because they have differing objectives, but the CRUCIAL part of that is that the objectives are complementary, not opposing.


What you shouldn't have is a dozen fan groups all competing to do the same thing. This is where I think the notion of unity has become clouded. All of a sudden we want one single vehicle. The reality is that you actually probably don't want that anyway. Keep the ownership aspect separate and distinct, making it apolitical.

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When the list came out I had a very quick scan read of the candidates profiles and statements and thought I would go back to it later in the process when more was known.


What has happened since has been very very sad indeed. Are some candidates there on behalf of the club? Are some there to push through a merger with RST/RSA? Are some there to push for not merging with RST/RSA?


Is anyone actually standing as a Rangers supporter who believes in the concept of RF, a share purchase vehicle to get as many shares into the hands of ordinary bears as possible, to protect our club from ever again being at the mercy of mercenary owners?


I am a member of both RST (have been since the start in 2003) and pay into the £11.25pm Share purchase plan, and RF on the £18.72 monthly contribution. It is my belief that I want as many shares in the hands of ordinary Bears as possible. I really dont want the RST to merge with RF as I think there is a place for both to do quite separate things on behalf of their members, and also there may be times when it is good to keep them apart. As both have several thousand paying members, I am sure there are a large number of bears that are members of both. Merging this will probably mean less money going into buying shares as what would be the point of me continuing to pay both £11.25 and £18.72 per month to the same organisation?


I am also struggling with casting a vote in favour of what I see as "Club men" like Gough and McQuarrie. On one hand it would give RF some clout to say they have these names on the board and would be easy to get media attention. However the whole point of RF was to stay away from the more confrontational and controversial issues of the day and just be a share purchase vehicle, so it shouldnt need to attract media attention other than to try to persuade more Bears to join with them and help build the fans shareholding. On the other hand the RST has always been more active, vocal, controversial, and unafraid to criticise the board of the day or the footballing authorities without the need to have "celebrity bears" to get their message out. Long may that continue, but the polarising nature of their work has meant that for some fans the RST will not be an option to contribute to, so are we going to lose those contributions to RF if a merger goes through.


I haven't got a clue who to vote for. I know some I wont vote for. That list has got gradually longer as the process has gone on. I will probably end up not voting at all. Its all very sad.


I've got some sympathy with your post TB, but I hope you do exercise your vote, even if you can't find 7 candidates you're completely comfortable with.

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