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Mike Ashley threatened with contempt of parliament

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Rangers' shareholder Mike Ashley 'running modern-day sweatshop' at Sports Direct


Sports Direct boss Mike Ashley is "running a modern-day sweatshop", Labour has claimed as a Cabinet minister insisted he should appear before MPs.


Mr Ashley, who is a Rangers FC shareholder, is being threatened with being in contempt of Parliament after failing to appear in front of a committee of MPs to give evidence about the treatment of workers at the retail giant.


Shadow Commons leader Chris Bryant (above) labelled Sports Direct a "truly hideous company" and insisted MPs will "get to the truth" by forcing Mr Ashley to attend.


Commons Leader Chris Grayling added that select committees are free to bring any UK citizen before them, noting: "It should happen unequivocally."


Labour's Ian Mearns also suggested Mr Ashley should be questioned about his "terrible running" of Newcastle United, who are in the Premier League's relegation zone.


Speaking in the Commons, Mr Bryant told Mr Grayling: "The Business Select Committee has written to Mike Ashley, the chief executive and major shareholder of Sports Direct, demanding that he gives evidence to the committee on his company's decidedly shady practices - which he has refused to do.


"This is a truly hideous company - 80% of staff in one warehouse are on zero-hours contracts.


"Every member of staff is subjected to a 15-minute search at the end of the day, unpaid.




Schoolboy Latin was an endurance(patientia); a derivation of patience and sufferance. My schoolboy curriculum demanded eight periods of Latin per week, and only two of PE. Oh me miserum, that's the epitome of hardship and persistence. Often, you wonder the point? Of course, it's derivations; attempt a decent crossword without a working knowledge of Latin and you'll see. Curriculum is a case in point, it's accepted Latin for, 'course of a race'. We might speculate on Mike Ashley's cardio-vascular aptitude to stay in the race, what's the ante-post?


There's another thing about the Latin, open to interpretation. Translations are littered with references to specific derivations. Mike Ashley further epitomises the subjunctive eg, the literal derivation of 'Mike Ashley' could be, "criminal greedy cnut". Of course, this is NOT indicative. If fellow Gersnetters can provide the references, you'll get no argument from me. Often, a Roman in the gloamin' would be heard remarking of a stout south Londoner with avaricious tendencies, 'ah, Mike Ashley'.


In this gladiatorial world, it's all bread and circuses. Thus, amid derivations and subjunctive tone; the Latin phrase 'Mike Ashley' translates as, 'criminal greedy cnut'.

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