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If you have the always offended against you - guess who are the most offensive fans?

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Sorry never seen it due to the title being different and I hadn't read all the threads. Just finished unloading 76 square meters of paving stones with the hand from a trailer so I was glance reading between breaks. It has now been moved I see.

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Do these figures take account of the assault and near riot that Hibs fans were involved in at the Cup Final? One ought to think they might top the league next year, or will it get blamed on us as usual? Craig is absolutely correct. Absolute numbers like these are meaningless without considering the size of each club's fan base.

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Just remember that there's statistics and there's damned lies.Decide yourself about these 'figures'.


FWIW I think Plod Scotland's enforcement of the flawed OBFA has been selective to say the least which is worrying

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It would equally be interesting to see a table of who were the most offended fans.





This piece of legislation was brought in for one purpose - to defend the manks and plastic Irish against the behaviour of the big bad proddies and by default Rangers supporters. It was wholly aimed at prosecuting Rangers fans.

What they didn't expect was that a few of their own would get swept up.

I had to laugh at the news report tonight when they said that out out of all the guys at football matches and all the matches throughout the country, about 260 got caught breaking the law. There will be more arrested for breach of the peace every day of the year, every year.

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This piece of legislation was brought in for one purpose - to defend the manks and plastic Irish against the behaviour of the big bad proddies and by default Rangers supporters. It was wholly aimed at prosecuting Rangers fans.

What they didn't expect was that a few of their own would get swept up.

I had to laugh at the news report tonight when they said that out out of all the guys at football matches and all the matches throughout the country, about 260 got caught breaking the law. There will be more arrested for breach of the peace every day of the year, every year.


The OBFA wasnt needed. There was already sufficient legislation in place.

It was simply headline-grabbing by politicians firstly lhabour(who introduced it) then the SNP who should have ditched it

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Hibs should have been topping that list 5 minutes after the final whistle at Hampden and it also brings to mind an oft repeated statistic. I have heard it said by many including the press that the vast majority of Scotland fans are Rangers fans. So do Scotland fans have a bad reputation? Hardly.


This advert, paid for by Bordeaux council, was taken out in the Record after Scotland crashed out of the 1998 World Cup, and praised fans for their good behaviour.



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Hibs should have been topping that list 5 minutes after the final whistle at Hampden and it also brings to mind an oft repeated statistic. I have heard it said by many including the press that the vast majority of Scotland fans are Rangers fans. So do Scotland fans have a bad reputation? Hardly.


This advert, paid for by Bordeaux council, was taken out in the Record after Scotland crashed out of the 1998 World Cup, and praised fans for their good behaviour.




If you surveyed every fan of every other club in Scotland - what national team do Rangers fans support?


The majority answer would be - ENGLAND! And look how they fans are behaving in France right now.


If you asked Rangers fans the same question, the answer would be SCOTLAND!

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The Propaganda percentage……



So the Scottish Government have issued figures relating to sectarianism and hate crime in Scotland, more so Scottish Football. How easy it is to break down those percentages to form a truer view on who the real sectarian bigots are. According to Mr Matheson our Justice Secretary “There is no place in Scotland for any crime motivated by prejudice, be it racial, religious, homophobic or any other form of intolerance.” That in itself is quite funny since figures clearly show Scotland to be a very intolerant country when it comes to culture, race and religion…….walk down the street displaying a Catholic cross or a Celtic top and await the silence. Wear dress associated to Islam and await the silence ….try walking down a street with a collarette on and await the backlash of “Dirty Orange Bastard” chants, Scotland is a very tolerant country right enough !!!


Figures released show Roman Catholicism is the religion most often noted in religiously-aggravated charges (51% in 2015-16), followed by Protestantism (24%) and Islam (23%). Now let us look at the Scottish Population . Latest count shows somewhere around 5.4 million people live here , more than half are religious free, not interested in any form of religion and prefer not to be classed as religious. Two point six (2.6) million people see themselves as Christian….34.2% of that figure are Catholic or 913,000. To manipulate figures all we do is follow the SNP method …..1,749,600 protestants..committed sectarian offences against 16% of the population while 912,600 catholics….committed sectarian offences against 34% of the population..rocket science? No, just a twist of the figures. But this clearly shows that Protestants are more likely to be victims of sectarianism than Catholics…a bit different from Mr Matheson’s figures.


Study the figures of Football hate crime. There were a total of 287 football related hate crimes in 2015-2016 out of a total attendance figure of around 3,421,000 over every game played in Scotland. Now take a quick look at the 134 charges involving hate crime aimed at Islam / Muslim who have a population in Scotland of about 95 thousand . At this point please note that the Scottish Government think Muslim is a religion which of course it is not….quote from the Gov website “95 thousand people in Scotland describing their religion as Muslim”…oh dear. The point here is 134 charges of hate against 95,000 people. Remember 287 charges against 3.4 million.


Move on to the “sexual” figures and we find that 1,020 charges were reported with an aggravation of prejudice relating to sexual orientation against a government figure of 86,000 people believed to be gay. Remember 287 charges against 3.4 million.


Studying the Daily Record and its hate filled agenda we see that Rangers fans have committed 71 offences against Celtic fans 27 offences. “While I am concerned at an increase in the number of charges on last year, including the rise in alleged offences against Islam, it does indicate an improvement in the willingness of the public to report these crimes, and that should be welcomed.”Says our Justice Secretary.

What Mr Matheson fails to tell you is he and his SNP colleagues, Nicola Sturgeon and The Lord Advocate included, have failed to acknowledge a dossier sent to over 25 politicians and organisations in Scotland that contained over 100 complaints of sectarian hate crime aimed at the Protestant faith and went completely ignored and unanswered.


Ibrox was also the football stadium with the highest proportion of charges brought, with 17 per cent of the total alleged offences taking place there. Morton’s Cappielow Park was the second highest, with 8 per cent. If you have ever wished for a one sided approach then it is this..I wonder how Mr Lawwell managed to convince Mr Matheson to omit the arrest figures at Parkhead? A few FOI requests show that there are equally high arrests at the stadium where terrorist / hate/ singing is a common past-time.



And of course away from home too……………….




Perhaps if Mr Matheson had instructed his State controlled Police Force to act quicker on the dossier also sent to them, the complainer would not have given up after waiting over a year for a response. That is 100 sectarian hate crimes that would have changed the figures. The true figure would have read Protestantism is the religion most often noted in religiously-aggravated charges (51% in 2015-16), followed by Catholicism (24%) and Islam (23%). The true figures would have changed the above statement to read Rangers fans have committed 71 offences against Celtic fans 127 offences.


What is worse is the fact that Mr Matheson, along with the retiring Lord Advocate Frank Mullholland and former Justice Secretary Kenneth MacAskill are all Season Ticket holders at Parkhead where they will always here the sectarianism but choose to ignore it…ignoring is a common trait at that ground. The three of them openly think that singing a song about The Billy Boys is far more criminal than gay people being victimised because of their sexual beliefs, far more criminal than hate crime towards people perceived to be of Islamic faith. The bottom line here is our country is in denial of it’s real social problems and it is obvious that our government cannot control the serious issues so decide to attack a group of people perceived to be Protestant while ignoring the real hate in the country.


Propaganda, you could not make it up



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