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Barry Ferguson: Rangers are building a great squad

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A LOT of people see Celtic’s signing of Moussa Dembele as a statement of intent by new manager Brendan Rodgers.


But my message to Rangers fans is not to be worried as Mark Warburton has also added key ingredients to his team.


Celtic are favourites to win a sixth title in a row but I don’t think there is much of a gap between the two.


I know a lot has been made of the Dembele signing – and the calibre of Celtic’s reported targets – but I’m not too concerned.


Let’s be honest, what some people are doing is looking at the age of some of the Rangers recruits and questioning them.


But Warburton has got a good mixture and I’m convinced Rangers can be serious challengers for the Scottish Premiership title.


I look at the two squads and believe the Ibrox boss has enough at his disposal to take them all the way – and don’t forget Hearts and Aberdeen either.


I’ve seen Dembele on TV and there is no doubt he’s a good player but the same can be said of the Rangers signings.


I don’t think we should be making too many comparisons at this stage. It’s a different ball game in Scotland and someone like Dembele won’t have experienced anything like it.


Rangers have good players in Lee Wallace, Andy Halliday, Jason Holt, Martyn Waghorn, Barrie McKay, who was a sensation for the last six months of the season, and don’t forget Kenny Miller.


What we have to remember is Rangers had a very young team last season. The only thing they lacked was a bit of experience to guide the young guys but Warburton has added that.


I just felt they lacked experience and now that’s come in. I can’t speak for Niko Kranjcar as he is someone I don’t know but I’ve come across Matt Gilks, Joey Barton and Clint Hill and I believe all three are exactly what Rangers need.


Hill and Barton have played English Premier League most of their days, and Matt Gilks did the same for Blackpool. And don’t diss the fact Matt Crooks and Josh Windass came from League Two – there are a lot of hidden gems in that division.


I spoke to a few people about them and the feedback was good. I don’t know much about Lee Hodson but I’ve seen Jordan Rossiter who came through the Liverpool academy.


But it’s experience that was needed to be added to last season’s squad and it’s a good mixture. Dembele is good but Barton was the best player in the Championship last season – and Hill was captain of QPR.


Gilks was second choice at the English Championship winners and was only that because Tom Heaton is an excellent goalkeeper.


But take nothing away from Gilks, I’m sure he can challenge Wes Foderingham for the No.1 jersey and that’s what is needed. It doesn’t matter what level you’re at, it’s essential to have two quality keepers.


In the season Rangers got to the UEFA Cup Final Allan McGregor picked up an injury at a crucial stage of the season but Neil Alexander came in and was outstanding.


I had that issue at Clyde last season when a young boy wasn’t ready for the top team but the first choice was banned and I had to get someone on loan. You need two keepers, not one who is sure of his place.


I was at Blackpool with Gilks and he always took an interest in Rangers. I have no doubt he will be a good recruit.


My only concern is he hasn’t played a lot – two games in two years – but there’s no doubt he’s a good keeper.


He’s 34-years-old and he’ll be good in the dressing room. He’s a winner but it will be a shock to the system when he sees how passionate and demanding it is at Ibrox.


Matt has played in the English Premier League and Championship so he’s been about but people find it hard to believe when I tell them what it’s like at a club like Rangers.


But that isn’t only an issue for him, it goes for anyone who hasn’t played in the Old Firm environment before. They’ll all get a shock when they see what it means to play for Rangers.


There is a pressure from having a fan base like Rangers which none of the new guys will have experienced. But they have to quickly learn to deal with the fact that it’s win, win, win.


The players Warburton has signed are experienced enough, like Joey and Clint, another who I know well. I did my coaching badges with him in Belfast a couple of years ago.


I’d like to think they will be able to handle it as they’ve played pressure games in England. But until you sample Old Firm games, or even a match at Ibrox, you just don’t know.


Clint is a great guy so I was delighted to see him sign for Rangers. He’s the type of guy you want about the place as he’s a motivator.


I know the battle between Joey and Scott Brown has been hyped up a lot. I don’t go on social media but I’m excited about them going head-to-head in the first Old Firm game – not in cyberspace.


You can talk all you want but it’s what happens on the park that interests me so I’m looking forward to that clash early in September.


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I doubt he wrote it and if you don't like it don't read it.


Are we now not allowed to be critical of anything Rangers? I seem to remember you being very critical of a certain player last year.

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