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Helping The Founders Trail To Support Rangers.

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Since the first Founders Trail seven years ago we have gradually built a close relationship with Rangers Football Club. Working with the Club has been a huge part of our success. The current Board of Directors recognise the importance of celebrating the history of our great Club and they are keen to help promote the incredible story of the four boys who formed Rangers and the others who nurtured it. We are thankful for their support.


In turn, we want to continue to celebrate our history and to promote the Club in any way we can.


The Founders Trail is completely self funding. The bus hire, the literature you receive when you take the tour and the continued research is only possible because of the incredible backing we have received from you, the Rangers Support. The demand for the tours is continuing to grow and we thank you for letting us share the history of Rangers with you.


When you purchase a seat on the Founders Trail bus, you not only give us the opportunity to tell the Rangers story, you also help to put funds back into the Club. Your money goes towards the purchase of:


Match day tickets (used as raffle prizes)

Argyle House Restaurant vouchers (used as raffle prizes)

Ibrox Stadium Tours

Rangers Lottery

Youth Members Club

Auchenhowie Brick

Donations to the Rangers Youth Development Company


The Founders Trail and Ibrox Stadium Tour is very proud to run in association with Rangers Football Club and Rangers Youth Development Company.


We include adverts for the Rangers Youth Development Company in our tour literature to help highlight the ways the fans can contribute to the success of our youth teams.


The close working relationship we have with the Club has also allowed us to begin using the Parks of Hamilton coaches for the tours.


Argyle House Restaurant kindly let us offer our passengers a 10% discount on any meal.


And the media team at Rangers are very keen to help spread the word of our Founders. They have highlighted our upcoming tour dates and published blogs from the Founders Trail team on the official club website, as well as on other social media platforms.


We hope this productive relationship continues to grow in the years to come.


If you would like to join us on the Founders Trail & Ibrox Stadium Tour, we currently have seats available on the following dates:


Sunday 4th September

Sunday 18th September

Sunday 30th October

Sunday 20th November


To book your seat just send an email to thegallantpioneers@googlemail.com or call 07902 2855536.


Adults - £22

Senior Citizens & children under 16 - £16


By Bluest_light



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