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Seb Rozental - Rangers supporters were incredible after injury KO

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In 96 I was developing educational webpage content for the Scottish universities' 155Mb/s MAN. We were using Java, Dynamic HTML and MPEG1 video to produce interactive, multimedia material. This clearly wasn't early days. People were browsing with Internet Explorer 4 and Netscape 6 iirc.


I had been using the WWW for three years at that point, and the Internet since 1986 when I went to University.


I was on the Rangers supporters email list since about 92, as well as IRC during games the next year.

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It's not actually so much about how far behind or otherwise the technology of the time was though that is a factor and using the standards of university machines and connections of the time are meaningless to those out there in the general population.


I expect the universities have some pretty cool lasers to play with right now but the chances of me having one of that standard are remote. It's about how many people in the general population were actually using computers and the internet in 1996 and that was minimal.


In 1996 that was barely 3 to 4 people in every 100 for the UK and 0.7% for Seb Rozentals native Chile and the variety of things the average non computer literate person of that time could do with it with no university geek handy to show them how was extremely limited.


Inicidentally I got my first PC in 1998 and was quickly hooked on the internet and it was exactky as the article I previously posted described. I had a 56kb/s modem which was blazing fast for the time and watching a page with any significant graphics loading was almost like watching it being painted.


It took me about 20 minutes or so to download an average mp3 from napster and It was costing me an average £200 a month in internet charges back then because it was like phone calls at that time, charged by the minute and that was another thing that was offputting to the average person.

Edited by JFK-1
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Seb Rozental. A Jewish boy from Chile.

I remember that The Daily Record, having borrowed an atlas, and established that Chile was in South America,

deduced from that research, that the country, and everyone in it, must be Kafflick, printed a story which claimed that Rangers' management

had instructed him never, ever, to bless himself, with the sign of the cross, in the view of the support, in view of the support.


Then as now, not fit to line the cage of an incontinent parrot.

Edited by Uilleam
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I had access to the Interent but not WWW since 1986 - starting with Telnet, Email and FTP and then adding Archie, Usenet and some other stuff.


I remember in 93/94 having to use Archie and FTP to find and download Winsockets and a TCP/IP stack for Windows 3.11. After trying the text only Lynx for about 5 minutes, I switched to Mosaic which was cool but crashy. Then it was superseded by the far more stable Netscape and I didn't look back.


After that I installed IRC and subsequently helped set up and moderate the two Rangers match channels - one for commentary (usually from people with it on the radio) and one for chat.


By 95 there was Windows 95 (32 bit and preemptive multitasking!) which had all the networking on board and you had a choice of Netscape 3 or IE3 - which also supported Java.


Then came Netscape 4 and IE 4 were next generation with Dynamic HTML built in - although by then I was using NT.


By 98 there was Windows 98 with IE 4 pre-installed.


Was no-one else on the old RangerList? Or IRC? The email list was about as busy as this forum in the mid 90s.

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