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Irish pub in Glasgow causes a stir with a Zombie Rangers FC advert

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AN IRISH pub has caused a stir with a poster of an advert for the Old Firm derby depicting Rangers as a zombie club.


Malones Glasgow in Sauchiehall Lane has used the flier online to promote a competition it says is run in association with Tennent's Lager with the winner getting two tickets to the Saturday's Celtic v Rangers at Parkhead.


The 'zombie's; reference has come about as Celtic fans believe the Ibrox club died as a result of being pushed towards liquidation four years ago and that it is now a new club.


The Celtic bar's poster includes a new version of the Rangers badge calling the Ibrox club The Zombie Rangers Football Club. A zombie hand is central to their take of the Rangers badge.




The pub's website home page was down on Wednesday.


One Rangers fan commented after seeing the poster: "It's a little bit pathetic. They really should know better."


Those Celtic fans who feel Rangers are a new club, have objected to any commentary when it got promotion from the Scottish Championship, that they returned to the top flight.


A group of Celtic fans caused controversy when they paid for an advert in a newspaper last year saying Rangers are a new club.


The advert was a lengthy statement which claims Rangers became a new club following liquidation in 2012.


Many diehards will only refer to Rangers as Sevco, the name given to the Charles Green-headed consortium that bought the liquidated assets with a £5.5 million loan in 2012.


Rangers has previously dismissed jibes that it is a new club indicating that those who don't accept that "cannot accept reality or legal judgment".


In December, 2014, Scottish Professional Football League chief executive Neil Doncaster insisted Rangers are the same club which existed before liquidation.


He referenced the Scottish Premier League (SPL) commission headed by former Supreme Courts of Scotland judge Lord Nimmo Smith which said the club was a "continuing entity" now owned by a new company, Rangers International Football Club.


The Advertising Standards Authority in December, 2013, in considering challenges to Rangers' claims as "Scotland's most successful club", supported the view that continuity of history continued.


UEFA, the governing body of football in Europe had confirmed to the ASA that its rules allowed for the recognition of the "sporting continuity" of a club's match record, even if that club's corporate structure had changed.


Rangers Football Club plc, the former operating company, went into administration in February, 2012, after a £9 million PAYE and VAT debt was amassed to the taxman under Craig Whyte's leadership. The oldco renamed RFC 2012 plc is now being liquidated.



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Dear Ra Sellik.


This Saturday, we, Rangers FC, come to visit you for a game of football.


We know you are incredibly excited to see us. You seem to fancy your chances of winning the football game, much as you did only a few months back at Hampden - and we all remember how that worked out for you! Whoops!


You also want to hurl eye-popping manic abuse at us for existing and most probably bang on about this being the first time we’ve played in the league (yawn). By all means put all your energy into the alternative Sevco universe. But while you do please do pause for just a moment to know that the wider football world and all relevant authorities do not care what you say. And, be in absolutely no doubt, neither do we smile emoticon It’s like someone we walk past every day telling us over and over that we're a giraffe.


As a football Club it would be fair to say our last few years have been unprecedented and challenging. But it wasn’t as awful an experience as perhaps even we anticipated. Its most certainly brought us closer together than before. While we've stuck together we've shone the spotlight at the various charlatans in our Boardroom and demanded that the Club always comes first. If the Green Brigade had been in charge at Ibrox we would venture that even they wouldn’t have had the imagination to attack and undermine us as much as the Green & Whyte brigade. But blue steel determination to eradicate the rats won in the end. And through it all we’ve followed followed in droves and appreciated more than ever just how much we love our wonderful Club. Many have admired the journey.


What you’ll see on Saturday is exactly what you’ve missed so dearly. The same People, the same colours, the same cause, the same challenge. No other visitor gets your blood pumping like we do. T’was ever thus. Hey we enjoy it too. Heavens you may even sell out your green seats! As for the football, you’ll no doubt win the game, lose the game or draw the game. That said, if we find ourselves 3 nil up there is always the possibility that you’ll implode in May 99 mode, adopt a temporary Glasgow Hibernian persona and maraud onto the pitch to abandon the game. Think we’ll be awarded the game 3-0. Seems fair. Just be sure not to hurt any advertising hoardings in the process or you may find yourselves at the end of a finger wagging!


So roll on Saturday and the usual Old Firm carnival. We Are Rangers and we’re up for it. Oh and just one more thing before we visit.....please have a wash.




The Bears!



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The non stop obsession with plus the excitement and rush to see a brand new team and pay through the nose for it is the thing that has me zombified. They're so stupid they don't have the mental capacity to grasp their own stupidity.

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They will be serving this, then




1/2 ounce rum -- white rum

1 1/2 ounces rum -- golden rum

1 ounce rum -- dark rum

1/2 ounce rum -- 151-proof rum

1 ounce lime juice

1 teaspoon pineapple juice

1 teaspoon papaya juice

1 teaspoon superfine sugar

Collins glass



Stir together all these ingredients (the juice in the recipe is what mixologist David Embury calls the "mystery ingredient"; it can be pineapple juice, passion fruit nectar, coconut milk, apricot, or cherry brandy -- just about anything this side of Romilar) except the 151 and pour into a 14-ounce glass three-fourths full of cracked ice. Float the 151 as a lid (by pouring it into a spoon and gently dipping it under the surface of the drink). Then, if the spirit moves you, take a match to this mixture; it will burn. Garnish with mint (either straight or dipped in lime juice and then superfine sugar) and/or fruit. (A particularly fetching touch: On a toothpick, impale a lemon slice or pineapple cube between two maraschino cherries and lay this fruit kabob atop of the drink). Supply a straw and, after two, a hammock. After three: a stretcher.

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Four years ago, there was a bar/restaurant in Drury Street that decided to place blackboards outside the premises, advertising, 'Free Jelly and Ice Cream'. The Herald's Gerry Braiden decided to highlight this in his jolly craicster fashion. The Bar manager quipped the light hearted banter line, the readership were urged to book tables for the coming Sunday afternoon live coverage of a Hibs/Sellik fixture, and triumphalism was guaranteed.


A mate logged on to TripAdvisor and penned a withering review reference food, ambiance, service, ............... and the surly manager's determination to continue watching a televised football match, despite customers' demands. It seems many took the lead, and the reviews became more damning. The establishment fell to a ranking of 37th out of 37 in city centre. Three months later, it closed/was rebranded under new management and staff.

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